Business is brisk at new Mandaue public market

CEBU, Philippines - Now that sidewalk and ambulant vendors at the old public market have been apprehended, business is brisk at the new Mandaue City public market.

The city’s demolition team had apprehended vendors that occupy sidewalks surrounding the old public market and the National Shrine of St. Joseph.

City administrator James Abadia said when the new market opened to the public last January 8, stall vendors at the new market complained of low sales because market goers still went to the old public market.

Abadia said the city has to protect the welfare of the stall holders at the new market since they pay taxes to the government.

Most sidewalk vendors that were caught come from neighboring towns.

But the city encourages illegal vendors to form themselves into a cooperative or association to make it easier for the city to extend help to them.

Presently, the city plans to replace the old market and the “Bagsakan Center” in barangay Ibabao-Estancia with a “Delicacy Center.”

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