Puey Quiñones and his Southern belles

It takes serious talent to be able to tickle the rebellious youth, cinch the grand dames of high-society, and do charity work with talented inmates at the Bilibid prison, all at the same time. Maybe even beyond talent, it takes a great intellect and heart to be so much to so many different people. Puey Quiñones is one such unique individual, a true talent with the proverbial heart of gold, swathed in his trademark soft folds and angles of cloth. He recently partnered with Hotel del Rio in Iloilo City (www.hoteldelrio.net) to present his unique brand of fashion flair to this grand old city of the South, successfully merging the traditions of old with the innovations of youth — presenting clothes that were multi-way (and these are not just dresses with extra-long straps, mind you), elegant and spunky, fun and classic, all at the same time. Who else can make a cover-up turn into mutton-leg pants? And who else can make the grand dames of Iloilo look current without looking like they’re trying too hard?

It was my first time to visit Iloilo and take in a slower, more genteel pace of life. Looking at life in slower motion and taking time to enjoy all the beauty of its historical homes and churches, and its recent shopping mall boom (I swear they have one in almost every corner!) I understood how a deep appreciation for both can produce a wonderful melding of all things ground-breaking and traditional. You don’t have to choose sides anymore — you can be all things, all at the same time.

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