Kobe, Dirk finally cross paths

The second round of the NBA playoffs is under way. It probably has the most intriguing match-ups in playoffs history that we've seen in years. You have the defending Eastern Conference champions, the Boston Celtics, going up against the Miami Superfriends, err, Heat. The upstart Oklahoma City Thunder, viewed as the heir to Los Angeles' throne in the Western Conference, going up against surprise entrants Memphis Grizzlies. The league-leading Bulls will test their mettles against the Hawks, who've surpassed expectations when they knocked off Dwight Howard and the Orlando Magic in six games in the first round.

Such interesting matchups, but nothing as interesting as this one.

Kobe Bryant and Dirk Nowitzki have been two of the most dominant players who set foot in an NBA hardcourt in the past 10 years. Playing in the same conference, on two of the winningest teams in the NBA over the past decade, it's such a shame that they haven't faced each other in a playoff series. Not even for once. Well, at least, not until now.

Photo by US Presswire

The basketball gods have been kind to us; we must all be thankful. On the stretch of the careers of two of the most dominant players of the decade, we'll finally get to see them compete in a seven-game series. This is definitely the most intriguing series in the second round.

Two of the most dominant players of the decade, two different predicaments. One wants to maintain their domination of the league; the other wants to escape from the ghost of a disastrous past. Let's break down this playoff matchup between Kobe and Dirk as they try to lead their team to a championship.

Both players know how to win, how to lead one's squad in a record good enough to win them home-court advantage in the post-season. However, come playoff time everything will be different. The matchups are tougher, defense tightens up, the pressure cooker hits the boiling point. And in times like these, who else would you rather have on your team?

No offense to Dirk, because he's definitely going to show up big come playoff time. He'll hit 20, 25 or even 30 points in a playoff series while shooting on a high percentage. Add 10 rebounds a game and you have an awesome playoff performer. But those numbers are, well, just numbers. Kobe, on the other hand, will turn the ball over occasionally and will have his moment of tantrums every now but what people doesn't really realize is how by hook or by crook, Kobe knows how to will his team into victory. On a bad shooting night against the Celtics in Game 7 of the 2010 NBA Finals, Bryant shot an awful 25 percent from the field. But on the offset, he had 15 rebounds and some timely foul shots at the end of the game to seal the victory. Nowitzki would never have a game like that. He would never have a 6-24 day on a win or go home predicament. No he won't, and why not? Because he won't dare to. What do I mean? Let me continue.

The difference between Kobe and Dirk is that Kobe has that instinct of carrying and willing his team in a basketball game. At times it will backfire­, resulting in a 6-24 shooting or worse. But that's a risk a coach must be willing to take in exchange for better things. Kobe's competitiveness level is second to none. Dirk will not shoot 6/24 in a game because he's too afraid to take the risk. He's afraid of the repercussions, he's afraid that it'll backfire upon him. That can't be said about Kobe.

Kobe's going to shoot, shoot, shoot and be willing to take responsibilities if those shots actually cost his team the game. Kobe's not afraid to take a stand, and knows when to take charge or not. In a much more simpler context, Kobe's willing to go down taking shots. Dirk, on the other hand, is just satisfied at times to let his supporting cast carry the load for him. And as we've seen in the 2007 and 2009 playoffs, things just don't go that way.

The bottom line is with a Kobe Bryant on your team, you’ll never know what's going to happen. But with the uncertainty comes the chance of winning a basketball game regardless of the odds against your team. With Dirk? You're pretty much certain on what's going to happen. But in the playoffs, being just "certain" doesn't cut it.

You want to know why the Lakers are such a big favorite heading into this series? It's because of No. 24. (CJ)

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