A second lease on life

One of the many gifts I thank God for is that wherever I go, when I confess to being 74, surprise shows on their faces. In the US recently, most of the people I met said I looked 54, which sorely tempts me to find a way of moving to that country. Maybe they will give me a bonus of 20 years.

In 2003 I had a stroke in my right brain that completely changed my personality and writing style. I ran into an old friend who looked good. He introduced me to StemEnhance. After taking it for a week, I noticed more energy. From being lackadaisical and staying in pajamas all day, I began to get up, get dressed and look for something to do. Eight months later I heard a strange sound in my head and soon thereafter realized that my old personality and old writing style were back. I was myself again. That’s what made me decide to sell StemEnhance. It cured me and it could cure other people. I did not yet notice then that it had a side effect: it delays the aging process.

That was 10 years ago. Since then the scientist who invented it, Christian Drapeau, and the company’s president had a serious disagreement.  Christian Drapeau left the company and joined another one named Cerule. The local office closed down quickly and StemEnhance, the one with the lavender label, disappeared from the market.

But I had a friend in the old company who managed to import Christian Drapeau’s new product called StemEnhance Ultra. It comes in another bottle with a green label and you only take two capsules every morning when you wake up. It has the same blue-green algae that makes your body produce more stem cells but it also has spirulina, which makes it a far better — and more expensive — product than the one with the lavender label.

I have many customers all over the country. I suspect many of them buy it because slows down aging. But StemEnhance Ultra has significant other benefits. I asked the lady who supplies me to please tell me a story about it that does not involve looking young.

She remembered her husband’s uncle who had been a diabetic for decades. One day he had a sudden hypoglycemic attack. He just fell to the floor and they had to rush him to the hospital, where he was subjected to a surge of medical tests. Sadly, she says, a month passed, the tests yielded results that ran the gamut from minor to life threatening. The uncle became comatose. They tried all sorts of hospital medication but nothing seemed to work. The family felt all his attending physicians were showing signs of hopelessness and helplessness. For four months the doctors managed to keep him alive but it was truly physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially draining for his family, who found themselves facing financial annihilation.

Finally they were summoned to the hospital to the deathbed of her uncle. The family had agreed to cut off his life support and let nature take its course. They wanted the larger family to witness the unplugging of all life-support machines.

At the deathbed, the eldest son of the patient stood firm against the decision of putting a stop to the ventilator. My friend’s husband walked up to his uncle’s bedside and said in a loud voice, “Uncle, if you can hear my voice just move your fingers now!” The fingers moved. The patient could still hear! He could still understand even if he was comatose! He could be saved!

Overwhelmed, her husband said “Let’s try to give him StemEnhance and StemFlo.” Medical doctors never listen to suggestions to give natural food supplements to their patients. Thank God, their uncle had a daughter who was a registered physician in the US.   They said that she had prescribed StemEnhance Ultra and Plasmaflo to her dad. The entire family and all the attending physicians agreed to give these two products a try.

Being a registered pharmacist, my friend knew about prescriptions. Since the case was urgent and severe she prescribed a mega dose of StemEnhance Ultra and Plasmaflo, which meant three capsules of StemEnhance Ultra an hour before meals and three capsules of Plasmaflo two hours after meals round the clock. StemEnhance Ultra activates the release of a person’s own adult stem cells, which restore and rebuild whatever cellular damage he has while Plasmaflo helps circulate the adult stem cells released from the bone marrow to reach even up to the smallest capillary in our body.

Believe it or not, in less than a week the patient began to show signs of improvement. All vital signs were getting better, blood pressure started to rise from 40/60 to 70/90. In 10 days he was moved to a regular room. In less than two weeks he went home. The hospital offered the US-registered physician daughter a position for her amazing competence and prowess in bringing her dad back to life. They didn’t know it was I who distributed and prescribed the drugs, my friend said.

This is why I sell the products. This is God working not only for us, but also for the multitude of people who need help. Honestly, these products give many a second lease in life. That’s what my friend/supplier said.

I write this for my customers, most of whom I know buy it for its side effects — the enhancement of their beauty. But StemEnhance Ultra has other uses.  Please always think about this story.

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