Mystery & fantasy for Julia Abueva

Julia Abueva, 10-year-old granddaughter of Emerlinda Roman, president of the University of the Philippines, and Jose Abueva, former president of UP, certainly comes from a line of prominent academic genes, but ask her what she wants to be when she grows up, and she’ll tell you without hesitation: "I want to be on stage performing." A straight-A student at the Singapore American School and president of her class, she is able to maintain a busy stage and concert schedule. Her parents Jonas and Redge Abueva beam with pride at their youngest daughter’s multi-tasking accomplishments.

Julia shares with us her top 10 favorite books:

A Series Of Unfortunate Events, The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket

I love this book because Lemony Snicket makes it really funny, sad or mysterious. But I really love the whole series. The way he writes the books makes you want to read on and on and on.

Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

I love this book because it is about a little beagle (and I love beagles). It is also a sad and very touching story.

Madison Finn by Laura Dower

I also love the whole series. These books are very real. They can really happen in real life. The stories are also happy ones.

Junie B. Jones by Barbara Park

Again, I love the whole series. Junie B. Jones has funny stories that make me laugh out loud.

Double Act by Jacqueline Wilson

Jacqueline Wilson’s books are great and Double Act is just one of my favorites, because it’s about the adventures of identical twin sisters and how they are so different.

Pee Wee’s Tale by Joanna Hurwitz

I love the story, which is about a guinea pig who is taken away from his owner, a little kid, by the parents. They never see each other again. It kind of made me sad but it’s a very good story.

Matilda by Roald Dahl

I love Matilda and her powers! She loves to read, and she is such a good girl. I mean, a lot of kids don’t like going to school, but Matilda does, and I think that is cool!

Cam Jansen by David Adler

I think it’s amazing how Cam’s memory is so clear and how she solves mysteries. She is very smart and has a great mind for a kid.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

I’ve seen both movie versions of this book. The first time I read this book, I just wanted to eat chocolate bars. I love how Charlie was rewarded because of his faith and his honesty. I really felt so good after I read the book, because I know it’s true that great things happen to good people.

Magic Tree House by Mary Pope Osborne (series)

Truth is, I don’t read these books anymore, but they are on my top 10 list because they were my favorite when I was seven to eight years old.
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The Reading Club recommends EVERY BOOK ITS READER: THE POWER OF THE PRINTED WORD TO STIR THE WORLD by Nicholas A. Basbanes for the interested bibliophile. Available at all National Book Store and Powerbooks branches.

This week our favorite magazine is Wallpaper available for subscription or single purchase from Emerald Headway and their authorized dealers.
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