Nasty Resurfaces: ‘ Yours is a democrazy’

Just when I thought Nasty had become a voice from the past, he suddenly resurfaced and e-mailed me. I have gotten countless requests not to give him any press space. But how do you keep a broken valve from whistling sharply and squirting water without getting us all wet? Nasty, the "ex-Filipino," is irrepressible and, in fact, has some salient points that we must listen to.

They say, "Only the squeaky and noisy get fixed." Actually, we should be the noisy ones to have our complaints heard by our leaders and politicians so that the problems that beset our country would get fixed. Not Nasty, for he is already comfortably ensconced somewhere else. Shouldn’t we be thankful somebody else gripes for us?

For readers not acquainted with Nasty, he is a Filipino who has become an American citizen and calls himself an "ex-Filipino." Check out The Philippine Star, October 29, 2000, "The Philippines is a Nation of Star-struck Ignoramuses," LIVING ALIVE, Lifestyle Section.
Nasty Bickers Anew
Dear Dero,

Do you remember me? I was the one who painted the ugliest but most realistic picture of you and your country. That infuriated you, didn’t it? And instead of saying thank you for waking you up from your pathetic national lethargy and indifference, you condemned me. You threw mud at my face, even laughed at my quasi Miriam Santiago accent! Anyway, that’s fine. Okay lang, dong.

I kept quiet during your EDSA 2. I wanted to know just how far you would go. I must say I was quite impressed with that fait accompli - you were able to topple not only the most powerful politician in your country but one of the world’s richest corrupt, too.

Actually, from the very start, I knew Erap was no difficult mule to dislodge. Stupid men trip and fall on their own. And they tumble big-time! Just from the way he walked his talk, you could tell he was going to come crashing down before long.

What I am saying here is that Erap was the one who pushed himself out of power. He had neither the mental acumen nor operational finesse of Marcos, the plunderer par excellence who was able to send billions of dollars across the seas in impeccable style and with quiet competence. Erap was guilty as a bartender with a wet moustache. Imagine even having a messenger try to smuggle millions on the same plane boarded by one of his mistresses? Why, that’s a faux pas not even a dollar-laundering novice would commit. Haven’t Erap and his gang heard of telegraphic transfer?
The Failed People Power
The recent people power in EDSA was forthcoming. The poor, who constitute the majority of your masses, have legitimate issues to air. They are hungry, angry and frustrated; they are suffering, financially insecure, and feel totally hopeless. That’s why, to them, every little political or religious rally is a ray of hope and salvation, even if what they are given are but empty words and promises.

It was a big mistake to dillydally Erap’s trial and conviction. He should have been punished during the height of the plunder fiasco – while the iron was hot! Now, it’s too late the hero and in the eyes of the masses, the government is even the contrabida! Putting him in jail was another blunder. That elicited more sympathy from the masses.

It is high time your government really did something for the poor. Your president should go to the provinces and see the contemptible poverty and frustration there. (She doesn’t need to go far – just let her take a look at the ignominious slums in your cities!) No political administration in the past has effectively alleviated the problems of the poor. If you don’t do something real soon, a cataclysmic people power will emerge to knock you out of your wits!
Separate Politics, Religion, And Showbiz!
Most Filipinos cannot seem to distinguish between politics, religion and show business. Your politicians want to be popular like show people, your actors and actresses all itch to become politicians (and get a slice of the power and money pie!), and you have preachers garbed in bright, sequinned suits that would put Liberace to shame!

To add insult to injury, you have an electorate who is completely clueless about the delineation between politics, religion and showbiz. They are a vulnerable prey to power hungry vultures, their cronies, cohorts, private armies, and nepotistic dynasties all out to make big bucks. Yours is a "democrazy"!
In your country, issues matter little. He who is popular wins. How else could you explain show folks like Aiko Melendez winning? I have nothing against the girl but please, before voting for her (and other cute young things from showbiz), find out if she is qualified for the job, civil service eligible or has at least finished college!
In your country, money buys votes. How could you explain Loi Ejercito’s being in the magic 13? (As of this press time - Dero.) If she is a real doctor, she should put up a clinic instead of fantasizing to pass laws. As long as you have a majority of the people living below the poverty line, he who has the money will always rule. No remedy is available for this except economic progress and proper education of your masses.
Blind Allegiance: The Religious Block Vote
If your religious leader asked you to eat shit because he claims it is good for you, would you? (This is a pointless question because I know you’d answer "Yes.") When you die, God won’t ask you if you followed the dictates of your preachers; He will ask you if you followed the dictates of your heart and conscience. Be aware that your religious leaders might be getting personal favors and financial settlements from the politicians they endorse. Wake up – don’t allow yourself to be used!
Election fraud is easy to commit because of your crude counting and canvassing systems. Dagdag-bawas is a Filipino contrivance. Time is a scoundrel to accuracy – the longer it takes to count, the more chances for doctoring the results. COMPUTERIZE now before it’s too late!
"Species Of Lower Life Form"
Miriam Santiago referred to Filipinos who have not studied in Harvard (and that includes at least 98% of your politicians and religious leaders!) as "species of lower life form." I was beginning to think she was right when those very "species" cheered her on at the failed EDSA 3! How can they support someone who belittles and ridicules them?

It should therefore be a cause for national celebration if Miriam doesn’t land in the magic 13. If ever that happens, you would at least have proven that stupidity doesn’t sit on your heads like a crown! Once defeated, she’ll have all the time opening her big mouth to her own egotistic self. Finally, she can jump off a plane or shoot herself!
Some Possible Solutions
1. Filipinos need a good leader with a winning vision and an iron hand equipped with a lion tamer’s whip. Someone like Lee Kuan Yew or Marcos without Imelda. Filipinos do wonders (remember Miss Saigon?) if directed by someone who knows what he is doing. But you’ve got to produce that leader or hire him from somewhere else!

Now, you know that billions in illegal wealth can be made from jueteng. Whether you like it or not, jueteng is there to stay in the Philippines because it is the poor man’s game of hope. Be a little nasty (sorry for the pun, but I can’t find a word more apropos)! LEGALIZE it and make money ("tong") from it! Or else, someone else will become very, very rich overnight. Call it gambling tax or entertainment tax. Think fun, think Vegas! And use the money to improve the lives of your people.

You cannot teach old dogs new tricks. Forget the old dogs. Let them retire into oblivion. Teach the young. Teach them good moral values. Teach them honesty, self-respect, and enthusiastic, smart (not hard!) work. Encourage thinkers, planners, artists, philosophers, scientists, technicians, innovators, and visionaries. Inspire a new breed of intelligent and creative politicians who will run because of a sincere desire to help and serve your people, not steal or kurakot from them.

Then maybe, hopefully, prayerfully, you will realize the Philippines of your dreams.
I Cry For You, J. "Nasty" Anastacio
P.S. Who Killed Ninoy Aquino?

So, who killed Ninoy Aquino? Administrations have come and gone, yet no answer has been found. Who bombed the LRT and killed all those innocent people? No one has been charged or convicted so far. Will you let them get away with murder again? History will want a sense of closure. Unless you close these wounds, you will never emancipate from where you are!

P.P.S. No To Dirty Elections

Not only are elections dirty with bribery, mudslinging and fraud, but the political signs and posters dirty your environment! My cousin went home before the elections and was upset with all those nasty posters that marred Manila and neighboring provinces! On Kennon Road all the way up to Baguio, she says the natural rock formations were defaced with "Honasan for Senator" slogans in white paint!!! There should be a law against destroying or defacing the environment during elections.

My cousin was appalled at Miriam’s gigantic billboard which loomed over that wide avenue near the EDSA Shrine. See what money can do? It can even desecrate hallowed ground!

P.P.P.S. Angry Yet?

Believe me, before this year is over, the EDSA passion will have died and things will be back to their "normal" worst. Through EDSA 2 and the failed EDSA 3, you have fanned your emotions and frustrations. Soon the anger will cool off and everything will be "la-di-da" again. Back to the old corrupt system! Soon your streets will be worked on again for road repairs for kickbacks to cover your politicians’ election expenses. You have a moral obligation to stay vigilant and on guard, ready to protect your country!

Angry yet? Yes, I want you to be angry at me. I want you to be angry at how you are being taken for a ride by some unscrupulous political, social and religious leaders. You Filipinos have to boil with anger before you can get anything done. Come on, get mad! You are too nice, subservient and complacent. Be really irritated, upset, enraged, furious. Maybe then you will finally accomplish something good for you and your country! - Same
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My Short Reply
Dear Nasty,

You said a mouthful. Why don’t you come back here and help clean up the political posters? You seem to have all the solutions. Come home and give seminars to improve the mental capacity of this "species of lower life form." Or are you one of those who don’t walk their talk?

All you voices from America and elsewhere should prove their mettle by doing. Or shut up. - Dero
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Susan Po Rufino, Danny Gil, Jess Martinez, Bobby Manasan, Peter Lucero, Danny Nicolas, Jesse Lao, Jose Chua, and dear readers, what do you think? I’d love to hear from you! E-mail or Should you want to forward portions of this particular article, please acknowledge The Philippine Star Lifestyle Section, LIVING ALIVE by Dero Pedero. Thanks for all your letters and e-mail!

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