Danger: Mother ahead

‘‘Little Princess” by Pino

A mother shows strength. She is deep in devotion, steeped in prayer and would sacrifice and endure pain to protect her loved ones.

There is something in all mothers that is seldom talked about, but is far-reaching and oh-so-powerful that you’d quiver to have to encounter or face it.  Only mothers own it.

Quoting from Indian guru Rajneesh, “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.”

He was right.  I gave birth, prematurely, to my son and the first time he was brought to my hospital bed, I panicked!  Tense, nervous and clumsy, I reached out to the head nurse for help.  How do I carry him?  I don’t want to squash his tiny head, but the moment his skin rubbed on mine, a warm current passed through me.  My tiny bundle looked up and I caught a snigger as if he was saying, “My goodness!  She’s new!” But sensing that I was a safe zone, he snuggled in my arms before dozing off.  That was my first test.  

Mothers hold unimaginable weight and command.

My friend, in a show of defiance, agreed to marry a man that she hardly knew but who was already a promising marketing genius.  He was 12 years her senior, but was kind, gentle and madly in love with her.  She knew her mother wouldn’t approve so she went straight to her dad and said, “Dad, I want to marry this man and he’d like to ask for your blessings and approval.” 

Her dad asked only one thing: “My child, will he make you happy?” 

She replied, “Yes.” 

Her dad tried to convince his wife to approve the betrothal, but she refused and kept a stoic silence.  The wedding was nonetheless set in five months.

Meanwhile, the mother hired a private investigator to look into the family history and background of her daughter’s fiancé.  To her horror, the lineage of the fiancé had a proven medical history of all-male heirs suffering from bouts of mental breakdowns that required years of sustained treatment and prolonged, heavy medication.  There was also a strong indication that future generations might inherit it.  What to do?  “My daughter won’t believe these findings or even accept it, coming from me,” she thought.  She decided to approach her daughter’s closest uncle and confidante.  “I will talk to her and show her this report,” the uncle assured her. 

My friend was totally taken aback by the medical report (stamped “confidential” but her mom managed to obtain a copy).  Much as her fiancé was calm and even-tempered now,  who could tell what circumstances would trigger a violent response and even put her life in danger? 

Furthermore, to be honest, she wasn’t really in love with this man but was only charmed by his gentlemanly demeanor.  She was still in love with someone else.  Scorned and angry, she was only using this man to spite her wayward lover (another story). The wedding was therefore aborted before invitations were issued and gossip feasted on by rivals.  Whew.

Many years passed before my friend, now sober, finally met another man she married.  He turned out to be a good, loving husband and father (and son-in-law).  They built a blessed, peaceful home. Widowed after their 56th anniversary, she’s now enjoying her retirement and family to the fourth generation. Looking back, she reflected on her mother and how she didn’t appreciate her enough.  “What if my mother didn’t have a stronger resolve to stop me from making the biggest mistake of my life?  Where would I be now?  She never gave up on me, thank God.”

These are wise words, in hindsight.  Her mother was wiser.

Mothers show strength.  She is deep in devotion, steeped in prayer and would sacrifice and endure pain to protect her loved ones.

When it comes to mothers, recognize these danger signs:

“When mothers stop praying, their families, (especially children) perish.  Satan gets a foothold and starts to destroy the home, yet when they return to their rightful place as the anchor of the home, demonic strongholds get demolished.” 

In Psalms 17, 36,  57, 63, and 9, God's role is likened to that of a Mother. As a Mother protects, upholds and defends her children, so does God protect us under the shadow of His wings. We find refuge there and can hide there until the danger is over.

A mother's role is so vital that a father cannot get his prayers answered if he dishonors or disrespects her (1 Peter 3:7).  Because of this favor over mothers, they are also the most attacked persons in the home. The devil is terrified of mothers —the powerhouse at home. The Lord has put inside mothers grace and resilience to overcome any situation.

Women of the home are blessed.  She is highly favored and she is dangerous when she prays.”

Don’t say you weren’t warned.   

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