E-dictionary makes learning fun and easy

MANILA, Philippines – Today’s moms are no longer just the homebodies who take care of the husband and kids at home. Moms of this generation are known to be strong women capable of balancing both family life and a promising career.

However, the new role also demands a lot for the new-generation mom — and every help she could get is sure to be welcomed.

Yen Lim-Galagnara is a mom to three active kids, 13-year-old Astrud, 10-year-old Veda, and five-year-old Sabine. She is also a principal of a language school for Koreans, and dabbles in hosting as a part-time job. These roles really take a toll on her lifestyle.

“Sometimes, it’s really very exhausting because I want to be with my kids every minute, but at the same time, I know it’s impossible since being employed is very crucial especially for my growing family,” says Yen.

She adds, “There’s so many things that kids do now for school such as finishing a writing project or doing a book report.”

What’s good is there are gadgets nowadays that help children learn more independently such as electronic dictionaries with instant phonetic spell correction and instant definition. The Franklin MWD1490 Dictionary and Thesaurus, for example, has over 300,000 definitions and 500,000 synonyms. With electronic dictionaries, even if your children spell a word wrong, say “nolige,” the spelling will be automatically corrected to “knowledge.”

“Since purchasing these electronic dictionaries for my kids, they have become more independent in learning. Their grades in English have also improved a lot,” Yen reveals.

So, for other moms looking for something to help their children in their next school work, call Infomax at 721-1446, text 0922-895-5002 or visit any National Book Store branch.

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