An oasis called Surf Camp

Every traveler has his or her own idea of what a perfect holiday destination should be. For some it is a long stretch of beach under palm trees bordering a warm tropical sea. For others, it is a destination steeped in history with evidence of the ravages of World War II, of days long past. And yet for others, it is the experience of total peace and privacy, amid unpretentious, yet well-designed accommodations.

Just a couple of hours from Tacloban, Leyte, across the San Juanico Bridge, along a scenic coastal road to Guiuan, Samar, is a quaint resort called Surf Camp, where all these ideals can be experienced.

Surf Camp (on Calicoan Island),  is an oasis with manicured gardens of lush greens, flowers, and trees heavy with tropical fruit, beneath towering coconut trees.

As the guests enter the main gate they are asked to strike a massive brass gong. When the gong is struck an assembly of unobtrusive attendants greet the guests. The attendants provide the best service during the stay.

The open-air restaurant is the dramatic setting for al fresco dining. A special menu can be arranged for warm summer nights with emphasis on fish cuisine from the market’s daily catch.

The eight room villas and cottages are spacious and tastefully decorated. A blend of traditional interiors and modern amenities await each guest. Wide bay windows afford a magnificent view of the ocean, and on a clear night with the moon lit backwaters, the panorama will swirl you into the world of dreams and desires.

As the sun drops over the horizon, the free form infinity pool offers the perfect vista from where to view the kaleidoscope of colors of the ocean.

Sports and activities also abound. Surfing and sailing along with jet skiing and island hopping can be arranged and enjoyed.

The most fulfilling excursions are ones that allow you to not only see but also experience the place. You may choose to take a cruise around the Leyte Gulf on board the M/Y Nauticat or the Riptide. After traveling the routes of the US PT boats of World War II, you can have a prepared snack or even a gourmet lunch in the mystifying Binabasalan Island, among the leafy underbrush and shaded trees. While savoring the unspoiled surroundings one can swim, snorkel, or even take a short siesta.

Another fascinating visit is the Pearl Island, unfortunately there are no pearls on the island.  But we were invited to view, through a glass-bottom boat, giant clams some approximately three feet wide. The island is a fish sanctuary where they are cultivating the clams.

After the cruise, cocktails were served on the wooden boardwalk, which was solely illuminated by a full moon. The beautiful table-setting simply brought romance and magic. These moments of joy and relaxation were precious because they were unexpected and unplanned. And for a while, life felt as perfect, as complete as we would like it to be.

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