Happiness in a bottle

Is it a miracle potion, a magical elixir that works wonders on one’s flagging spirits? Well, speaking from the viewpoint not of a medical practitioner but of a certified food junkie (aren’t we all?), for me, it certainly is!

With over 70 variants, Torani has a flavor to satisfy every mood and taste, from amaretto syrup to chocolate sauce to Frusia kiwi fruit. The name may not ring a bell, but chances are, you’ve seen the brightly colored bottles with the red, gold, and blue label lined up behind the espresso machines at your favorite café. Just a shot of it adds instant magic to lattes, teas, smoothies, and cocktails.

Torani started winning hearts over 75 years ago when an Italian couple made history introducing their Italian syrup recipe from their homeland and mixing it with sparkling water. Rinaldo and Ezilda Torre’s concoctions made them famous as they gave birth to the classic Italian-flavored soda. Fast forward to the early ’80s in San Francisco: Brandy Bradenburger, a coffee industry veteran, was inspired to experiment with Torani Italian syrups, espresso, and steamed milk. Thus, the first flavored coffee latte was created, changing the course of espresso history forever. To this day, Torani continues to define modern drink forms. It has remained the market leader and has been part of world café culture for decades. Proudly claiming to use only the finest ingredients, including natural flavors, pure cane sugar, and purified water, it has set the bar high, being the standard for others to follow. It has achieved the perfect balance between flavor intensity, sweetness, and acidity to achieve full and consistent flavors. Contrary to what one might popularly believe, it is fat-free – low in calories.

With the boom of coffee bars all over the world – whoever does not occasionally linger over a steaming cup of flavored java and good company must lead a very ho-hum life – the popularity of specialty drinks and the support of retailers have made Torani the leading flavored syrup brand.

But guess what? In terms of its versatility, we have just barely scratched the surface. I am pleased to discover its limitless culinary applications, making Torani a kitchen cupboard staple as well. One can try it on vinaigrettes, salad dressings, marinades, glazes, mixed into whipped cream, pancake batter, relishes and chutneys, dipping sauces, baked goods, fruit bars, and frostings … well, just about anything.

Recently, chef and gal pal Jane Paredes taught a class in my school using a variety of Torani products, resulting in delightful dishes and salads, which one can prepare with not much effort. I personally would recommend Torani’s Frusia products, which are actually natural fruit purees, since they are very convenient. Instead of adding sugar and honey, it is already sweetened; and instead of buying fresh fruits, it is already pureed. In this time-conscious business where life revolves around meeting deadlines with as much grace as one can muster, Torani proves to be an ally and a friend.

I would like to share with you some recipes, which multi-talented chef Jane has concocted during her class to display the versatility of Torani syrups. I absolutely love them! And I hope you do, too. Next time, take home a bottle of your favorite Torani flavored syrup, and I am certain that you will find a variety of delicious ways to use it. You don’t want all that happiness just bottled up inside.
Torani Caramella
2 tablespoons Torani caramel syrup or sauce

1 cup milk

1 to 2 shots espresso (1/4 cup espresso or 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee)

Steam or heat together Torani and milk. Pour into a to-go mug and add espresso.

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