Tips for healthy, happy feet

MANILA, Philippines - It’s all too easy to forget about our feet –– it’s the least pampered part of our bodies yet the most utilized, even abused. Podiatrists caution that neglecting one’s feet can lead to incessant pain, infection and other food problems.

Fit for your feet: Burlington BioFresh specially-crafted socks and foot care solutions

Burlington, the socks authority, suggests the following tips to keep your feet in best form:

1. Perform a foot exam regularly. Do this first thing in the morning and before going to bed at night. Take note of any change in general appearance, like color and texture. Be wary of unusual swelling and changes in the toenails that might signal fungal infection. Discolored, thick, cracked or crumbling nails are distress signals –– seek medication immediately and don’t try to hide them with nail polish. Scaling and peeling, meanwhile, are tell-tale signs of athlete’s foot.

2. Practice consistent foot hygiene. Keep your feet clean and dry. Thoroughly clean and scrub your feet with antiseptic soap and lukewarm water every time you take a bath. Dry them well with soft towel to avoid the growth of fungi, keeping close attention to the gaps between the toes. We recommend the use of BioFresh antimicrobial foot spray to avoid sweaty feet.

3. Trim toenails properly. Cut straight across; avoid getting to close to the skin or drastically rounding the corners of the nails, which can cause painful, ingrown toenails that may also lead to infection. BioFresh antimicrobial socks help in preventing bacteria build up in the toenail area.

4. Invest in appropriate and well-fitting shoes. Always buy the right size, as shoes are that are too tight tend to bruise or tear the skin within the pressure points of the feet. Shop for foot gear at the end of the day to compensate for foot swelling that occurs later in the day, and wear the proper hosiery with the shoes. Choose rounded shoes to give your feet room to move. Avoid pointed shoes that can cramp your toes and cause ingrown toenails and calluses.

5. Leather shoes are best because they allow the air to circulate. Different seasons require particular types of shoes. Closed shoes are a must during the rainy season, when waterborne diseases like leptospirosis are widespread.

6. Never walk barefoot, especially in public areas. Be sure to wear shower sandals at gyms, in locker rooms and public pools. These places may most probably be the breeding ground for fungi, which may lead to infections.

7. Do not wear other people’s footwear. Fungal infections are contagious, so avoid sharing shoes and socks.

8. Exercise regularly. Exercises, such as walking on a treadmill, improve blood circulation, helping prevent many disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

9. Apply foot moisturizer. Our feet need occasional pampering. On cold days, the feet lose their natural oils, making them extremely dry. It’s important to hydrate the skin with lotions or creams like BioFresh foot cream to avoid cracks and fissures, especially on the heel.

10. Know when to see a doctor. Never self-medicate foot woes. A podiatrist is a doctor who specializes in treating disorders of the foot. Do not hesitate to call one immediately.

With these helpful tips, one can achieve healthy and great-looking feet. Burlington has a line of specially crafted socks and foot care solutions to keep the feet in A-1 condition.

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