The Huddle Room's #Be1andVOTE campaign inspires on election day

Every election, we put our country’s future in the hands of all the registered voters hoping that they will elect the right people. photo

MANILA, Philippines — As the midterm elections took place last May 13, The Huddle Room called on Filipinos to practice their right to vote, and more importantly, to vote wisely.

A proud Filipino independent communications agency, The Huddle Room took a stand and pushed people to choose what is best not only for themselves but for the whole nation.

This campaign video symbolized the light of hope in every voter and how that light caused a huge change. Every time a light dies, a light of hope disappears, a chance of a better future dims.

Voting is a simple act that many people deem useless because they see no change around them. But, we must realize that voting is the one act that gives us all a fair chance.

This election, our votes were counted just the same. No matter who you are or what you do, your vote bore just as heavy as everyone else’s.


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