Ateneo to gradually resume in-person classes starting January 2022

This 2018 photo shows the campus of the Ateneo de Manila University.
Facebook/Ateneo de Manila University

MANILA, Philippines — The Ateneo de Manila University on Friday announced that it will hold limited on-site classes starting January 2022 for the first time in almost two years. 

"The January pilot run return to face-to-face classes will be made in phases, beginning with the Loyola Schools and the Professional Schools," a statement posted to the school's COVID-19 portal reads. "Priority will be classes for graduating students." 

"The campus will also be gradually opened to allow other academic activities such as research, teacher consultation, and counseling and psychological services." 

In January of this year, the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health resumed in-person classes, starting on a limited basis in its Ortigas, Pasig campus.

The school said it would make a separate announcement for its basic education schools "in due time." 

It added that due to the continued uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, "all plans are subject to change depending on the circumstances and new directives" from pertinent government bodies and agencies. 

DepEd kicked off its pilot implementation on in-person classes last month. Earlier this week, 177 public schools — including 28 from Metro Manila welcomed back students on campus for the first time since the pandemic shuttered them in March 2020. 

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