Over 1.7 million US-made COVID-19 vaccines arrive today

Some 375,570 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech arrive at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport on July 26, 2021.
National Task Force against COVID-19

MANILA, Philippines — More than 1.7 million doses of US-made COVID vaccines are arriving today at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminals 1 and 3.

Expected to arrive this afternoon at NAIA Terminal 1 on board China Airlines is the shipment of 1,497,200 doses of Moderna vaccines procured by the government through the COVAX Facility.

A shipment of 222,300 doses of Pfizer vaccines is also scheduled to arrive at the NAIA Terminal 3 on board Air Hong Kong. The supply is also coming from COVAX.

Secretary Carlito Galvez said Thursday that the country is expecting 46 million more doses of COVID-19 vaccines this month.

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