Pontiff thanks Noy, Pinoys in telegram

MANILA, Philippines - Pope Francis sent a telegram to President Aquino on Monday to thank the Chief Executive and the Filipino people for the “warm welcome and every kindness” extended to him during his five-day visit to the Philippines.

The telegram, written in capital letters, was posted in full on news.va or the Official Vatican Network with a report from Vatican radio.

“As I depart from the Philippines, I extend to you, the government and all the people of the nation my heartfelt gratitude for your warm welcome and every kindness shown to me during my visit,” the pope said in the telegram sent on Jan. 19, the day he concluded his visit to the country.

“I renew to Your Excellency and the entire country the assurance of my prayers for peace and prosperity,” it further read.

The telegram was signed:  “FRANCISCUS PP”

Vatican Radio said it is customary for a pope to send telegrams to leaders of countries he has visited.

It added Francis sent telegrams to the heads of state of countries his plane flew over during his flight from Manila to Rome, including China.

“For the second time in history, this includes the People’s Republic of China,” Vatican Radio reported.

“I send cordial greetings to Your Excellency as I fly over the country on my way from the Philippines to the Vatican. I assure you of my prayers for you and all the people of China, invoking upon you abundant blessings of harmony and prosperity,” the pope said in his telegram to Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The telegrams were written in English except for the one addressed to Sen. Pietro Grasso, who became acting president of Italy on Jan. 14 upon the resignation of President Giorgio Napolitano.

Besides Aquino, the pope also sent telegrams to Presidents Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj of Mongolia, Vladimir Putin of Russia, Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland, Milos Zeman of Czech Republic, Andrej Kiska of Slovak Republic, Heinz Fischer of Austria and Borut Pahor of Slovenia.

While on “Shepherd One” – Philippine Airlines’ special direct flight to Rome – Pope Francis sent out a tweet in two languages on his @Pontifex account at around 3 p.m. Monday.

The first tweet was in English: “To my friends in Sri Lanka and the Philippines: May God bless you all! Please pray for me.”

He also sent the same tweet in Tagalog: “Sa aking mga kaibigan sa Sri Lanka at Pilipinas: Naway pagpalain kayo ng Diyos. Sana’y patuloy niyo akong ipagdasal.”

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