House to prioritize Cha-cha bills

MANILA, Philippines - The House of Representatives will soon start deliberations on bills seeking to amend certain economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution, Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. said yesterday.

Belmonte assured the public that Charter change initiatives in the House would not tamper with any political provisions, including the form of government, amid concerns that amending the Constitution would lead to term extension of elected officials.

“The talk against amending the Constitution I think emanates from the widespread belief that members of Congress are really interested in lifting term limits. I want to prove that we are not obsessed with term limits. I want to prove that it’s possible for us to zero in on an important issue (economic provisions) and keep it there,” he told a press conference.

In July, Belmonte filed House Resolution 1 proposing amendments to certain economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution, particularly on Articles II (national territory), XII (national economy and patrimony) and XVI (general provisions).

He vowed to oppose any move to touch other provisions. He said he was able to convince Cagayan de Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez to support his resolution instead of pushing the latter’s bill seeking to overhaul the country’s political structure.

“There’s virtual unanimity in the business sector about it, as well as a lot of people in the House being in favor,” Belmonte said.

“Remember, you are not opening doors, you are simply providing the key to open the door whenever needed,” he added.

He said his resolution does not seek to lift the restrictions of foreign ownership in certain industries but only insert the phrase “unless otherwise provided by law” in the economic provisions.

He said the House committee on constitutional amendments and revision of laws will hold hearings in the coming days and is expected to come up with a report before the end of next month, after which the document will be presented for plenary debates.

Belmonte said he hopes President Aquino will support the measure, noting that they would ensure that only economic provisions will be touched with “simple” amendments.

“But let’s also face the fact that it’s very difficult to pass measures in the two chambers at least without the tacit support (of the President) or (with) his hands-off policy. But again, it’s just the major changes, including changes in the political system, that’s the apprehension,” he said.

He said the need for Charter reforms is urgent as the Philippines is virtually at the bottom as far as foreign direct investment is concerned.

“We have had good growth but our good growth, people have pointed out, has benefited certain companies, certain peoples without generating inclusive growth or more jobs,” Belmonte said.

He said the Philippines has been attractive to “hot money” or speculative funds that can easily come in and buy into the stock exchange and leave as quickly and do not create jobs.


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