Japanese Embassy cancels celebration of Emperor’s birthday

Citing security concerns related to international terrorism, the Japanese embassy in Manila decided yesterday to cancel a reception to celebrate Japan’s national day and Emperor Akihito’s 69th birthday scheduled for Dec. 17. The embassy, however, will remain open.

The affair was originally scheduled to be held at the Japanese ambassador’s residence and expected more than 500 guests, mostly dignitaries.

Embassy spokesman Kenichi Kimiya, however, said that Japanese authorities do not actually have "credible, accurate or individual information" on threats specifically targeted on Japan and Japanese interests but will still want to play safe.

"It will be a large gathering so it may be a target of an attack," he said.

Kimiya said that the decision was made in consultation with the Japanese foreign ministry in Tokyo. Similar receptions in 18 Japanese embassies all over the world will also be canceled.

Kimiya clarified, though, that the embassy is satisfied with the security being provided in the Philippines but they also need to consider the international situation.

He disclosed that the basis for the cancellation of the affair was the recent terror attacks in Bali, Indonesia and in Kenya.

"We are generally considering the international circumstances. This has nothing to do with Philippine security alone," Kimiya told The STAR.

"In fact, it will be business as usual on Dec. 17 and on Dec. 23, the actual birthday of His Majesty Emperor Akihito," he added.

There was no immediate reaction from Philippine officials to the Japanese embassy’s decision. An embassy officer was expected to speak with officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs late yesterday afternoon, Kimiya said.

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