Legarda: 4 senators blocking our efforts

Sen. Loren Legarda said yesterday four of her colleagues in the Senate as well as certain government officials are allegedly "out to destroy" her and are blocking efforts of the humanitarian peace mission that includes her to seek the release of an Army major and police officer held captive by communist rebels.

She, however, declined to name the four senators and government officials. She said though that she believes that her colleagues are "independent-minded people" who would not allow themselves to be used in a propaganda against her.

Legarda, in a press conference at the Manila Yacht Club yesterday, also revealed that her chief of staff, lawyer Raul Lambino, had received threats from an unidentified caller who warned the senator to stop her efforts or else, she would be charged with treason.

The caller claimed they have the backing of some government officials.

Despite these threats, Legarda said she and other members of the humanitarian mission would continue "begging" for the Armed Forces to accede to the request of the National Democratic Front (NDF) for a five-week suspension of military operations in Southern Tagalog to pave the way for the release of Army Maj. Noel Buan and Chief Inspector Abelardo Martin.

"We vow to keep the issue afloat," she said.

Buan, an intelligence officer, and Martin, police chief of Dolores, Quezon, were abducted on July 6 and Nov. 3 last year, respectively.

Armed Forces chief Gen. Angelo Reyes has stood firm in rejecting the NDF demand, saying communist rebels might take advantage of the lull in military operations.

"These are groundless fears," said Rev. Tomas Millamena of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente who, along with Legarda and Sorsogon Bishop Jesus Varela, went to the Netherlands last year to negotiate Buan and Martin's release with NDF leaders there.

Legarda said the suspension of military operations is nothing new, having been imposed by the NDF as precondition when it freed four other captives last year.

Should the military continue to ignore their plea, Legarda said they will appeal directly to President Estrada.

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