Neeson, Fiennes play Greek gods

MANILA, Philippines - Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes reunite for the big screen in Warner Bros.’ 3D fantasy adventure Clash of the Titans after doing Academy Award-nominated performances together in Schindler’s List.   Neeson plays Zeus, King of the Gods; while Fiennes is Hades, lord of the underworld.

In the film, Perseus (Sam Worthington) — born of a god but raised as a man — is helpless to save his family from Hades. With nothing left to lose, Perseus volunteers to lead a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he can seize power from Zeus and unleash hell on earth. Leading a daring band of warriors, Perseus sets off on a perilous journey deep into forbidden worlds. Battling unholy demons and fearsome beasts, he will only survive if he can accept his power as a god, defy his fate and create his own destiny.

Perseus’ natural father is Zeus, who feels that the young demigod should not only want, but should ask for, his help. Having been accustomed to unquestioning love from his own creation — humanity — Zeus is uncertain as to how to deal with its wavering devotion and mounting uprisings. 

It doesn’t help that his brother Hades is pressing Zeus to allow him to handle things in his own way. Neeson, who took on the role of the conflicted king of Olympus, explains the delicate relationship. “Eons ago, Zeus, Hades and their brother, Poseidon took control of the universe from their parents, the Titans,” says Neeson. “Zeus took over the heavens and Poseidon got the oceans, but Zeus tricked Hades into ruling the underworld. So Hades now sees his chance for revenge by tricking Zeus into starting a war with the humans. Initially fooled by Hades’ brotherly pleas, Zeus thinks maybe Hades is right…maybe they’ve got to teach humanity a lesson.”

“Liam’s physicality was perfect for the part,” producer Basil Iwanyk states of the actor. “He’s big, he’s strong, he has that great, authoritative voice, but he has a very sweet face and very emotional eyes. The Zeus that we conceived is king of the gods and very powerful, but he’s also hurt; he’s thrown, he’s confused, he’s gone soft. Liam’s a very intense, imposing figure, but he can play that softness, that emotion in his face.”

Preying on his brother’s pain at the loss of mortal devotion, Hades convinces Zeus to let him put fear into the hearts of men, saying that fear will bring their prayers back to Zeus and, along with them, Zeus’ power over them. But in reality, human fear makes Hades stronger, not Zeus. Fiennes plays the part of the cunning underworld ruler eager to take his rightful place in the heavens. 

“The gods are in a state of emergency,” states Fiennes, “and Hades walks onto Olympus, with its vast marble hall set up high in the clouds, and sees what he has been missing being down below.”

Now showing in theaters, Clash of the Titans is distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

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