Heroes & villains in Survivor

MANILA, Philippines - Twenty of the most loved and notorious Survivor contestants return to seek revenge or find redemption in Survivor: Heroes VS Villains. Marking its 10th year, Survivor Season 20 celebrates everything we have come to love about the reality show.

What makes the season exciting says creator Mark Burnett is that players are starting off with preconceived roles for themselves. Fans will be familiar with contestants and how they played the game the last time they faced the tribal council. A new chance at being the Sole Survivor may have some players changing their game strategies.

Survivor: Heroes VS Villains may just answer the question players and viewers have been asking since the show’s debut.

Can someone who lies and cheats his way through the game win? Can someone who plays with principle and integrity prove that the good guy or girl can triumph over diversity?

Philippine viewers need not be left behind on all the action as Survivor: Heroes VS Villains is shown first and exclusively on Jack TV via satellite Fridays at 4 p.m. Fans can watch a prime timetelecast Friday nights at 10.

The heroes are Rupert Boneham (Pearl Islands); James Clement (China); Colby Donaldson (Australia); Cirie Fields (Panama); Amanda Kimmel (China); Jessica “Sugar” Kiper (Gabon); Stephenie LaGrossa (Palau); James “JT” Thomas Jr. (Tocantins); Tom Westman (Palau); and Candice Woodcock (Cook Islands).

The villains, on the other hand, are Tyson Apostol (Tocantins); Randy Bailey (Gabon); Sandra Diaz-Twine (Pearl Islands); Danielle DiLorenzo (Panama); Jerri Manthey (Australia); Rob Mariano (Marquesas); Parvati Shallow (Cook Islands); Benjamin “Coach” Wade (Tocantins); Courtney Yates (China); and Russel Hantz (Samoa).

For details, log on to www.jacktv.com.ph.

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