Spreading love at Golden Acres

MANILA, Philippines - Viva boss Vic del Rosario and philanthropist Pinky Tobiano, head of Pinky Cares Foundation,   together with Discovery Suites General Manager Jun Parreno Jr., spread love during the Christmas season at Golden Acres Home for the Aged in Quezon City.

The three were shocked to discover that the government seems to have forgotten the senior residents who need care not only from their families but also from government and the generous private sector. It’s a good thing that Golden Acres is their second home.

Those who don’t need extra medical care live in other pavilions with responsibilities of upkeep, cooking and care for others which keep them busy. 

Pinky, who last visited Golden Acres 17 years ago guided Boss Vic on a quick tour. A touching moment happened in one of the pavilions, where an elderly woman serenaded Boss Vic with a song that ushered memories of his beloved mother and brought him to tears. But the woman was equally touched when she was informed that Victor Wood and Eva Eugenio were there to visit her through Boss Vic’s efforts. Other residents were just as pleased. Victor’s son Simon also took part in the charity event.

It was truly a day of love, tears and giving. Boss Vic was so moved that he promised to make this an annual activity in Viva Entertainment’s move toward Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through the guidance of Pinky Cares Foundation. 

On another hand, Discovery Shores GM Jun Parreno has also been inspired and is spearheading his CSR efforts to feed and educate indigent children on Boracay Island.

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