A new way to get sexy

MANILA, Philippines - What is Hoodia Gordonii and how does it make you look slim and sexy?

Hoodia (pronounced Hoo-dee-ah) is a cactus-like plant that grows primarily in the semi-deserts of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Angola. The plant contains the special molecule P57, a steroidal glycoside makes the brain unable to sense hunger. Thanks to this special molecule, you can easily get rid of extra pounds without any inconvenience.

Hoodia’s popularity stems from claims that the San Bushmen of the Kalahari desert relied on it for thousands of years to ward off hunger and thirst during long hunting trips.

In the last few years, Hoodia has been heavily marketed for weight loss and has become popular.

According to scientific publications, taking between 1,000 and 3,000 mg. of Hoodia products per day can beat the feeling of hunger up to one day. Hoodia also raises the body’s energy level and thus brings a feeling of well- being. Hoodia is known for its effectiveness and absence of side effects. It will not make you feel dizzy or cause insomnia, raise your heartbeat or body temperature.

Distributed by Yumei Mise, it is available in Mercury Drug and other leading drug stores.

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