
Cebu News

Search on for Cebu women’s ambassadress

Lorraine Mitzi A. Ambrad - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — The winner of the Renaissance Cebuana, a pageant launched to celebrate, honor and empower women, will become the ambassadress of the Provincial Women’s Commission.

The winner will also receive P100,000 in cash prize, which the provincial government increased from P50,000.

All women aged 18 to 30 years old who are residents of a city or town under Cebu province are qualified to join in the pageant.

Those who are currently residing outside Cebu due to work or studies are also qualified provided that their Cebuano parents are still living in the province.

Cebu has 51 towns and component cities, excluding the autonomous and chartered cities of Cebu and Lapu-Lapu.

The deadline for the application is slated for April 27. Forms are available at the Capitol and soon in the local government units.

The pageant is scheduled in May.

Unlike the usual beauty pageants, Vice Governor Agnes Magpale said Renaissance Cebuana is anchored on three pillars, namely athletics, academic, and artistic.

The character or personality of candidates will also be a factor in judging the winner.

The pageant will be done in three phases. For the first phase, all applicants are required to join either the 5K or 10K marathon on May 12. Only the first 50 finishers will proceed to the next round.

The second phase is a quiz bee which aims to showcase the intelligence of the contestants. An online voting will also be conducted.

The top 15 with the highest accumulated points from the three events will proceed to phase three wherein the finalists will showcase their talents.

PWC, the brainchild of the pageant, said the event targets to promote the rights of women and to highlight women empowerment.

This initiative is in partnership with the Office of the Provincial Sports Commission, Ng Khai Development Corp, and Ngenius. — KBQ (FREEMAN)

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