Lawyer hits Daanbantayan beautification program

CEBU, Philippines - A lawyer has questioned the beautification program in the northern town of Daanbantayan that has allegedly sacrificed some trees.

In a letter to Daanbantayan Mayor Maria Luisa Loot, lawyer Estrella Martinez pointed out that the “preamble” of Loot’s beautification program is “just a play of words” because it has sacrificed the environment by the cutting down some trees in Barangay Calape.

Last May, Calape Barangay Captain Victor Aguipo and officials of the barangay have reportedly cut down 24 big gemelina trees that have grown in front of the elementary school in the barangay.

“The preamble of your program aims to create an aesthetically pleasing gateway into the heart of every barangay and enhance the unique character and beauty of Daanbantayan as a place and as a people bonded in the true faith and love of God,” adding, however, “Semantical juggleries in our legal parlance.”

Aside from the gemelina trees, the barangay officials also reportedly chain-sawed a Talisay tree near the cemetery. The activity itself reportedly caused heavy traffic because the tree used to stand along the national road.

Martinez also cited the time she had to rush back from Manila when she received a verbal notice from Aguipo that her 10-year-old ornamental palm trees would be cut down.

“I cannot understand beautification program by cutting old trees and replacing them with small gumamela plants which are exposed to the perils of wandering goats in the barangay,” Martinez’ letter reads.

Martinez asked Loot not to give out plaques of appreciation to her “erring municipal and barangay officials who have no qualms in cutting trees all in the name of the most abused beautification program” of the town.

“Because it is more honorable to preserve trees than to cut them mercilessly,” she said, claiming to have shared her contribution to the enhancement of the town’s tourism by planting all kinds of trees and plants in her property.

In an interview, Loot said all the trees that were cut down were situated along the national road and they had to be cut reportedly to avoid road accidents. She said the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO) allowed the same.

“Delikado man ang truck mabangga unya maong among gi-clearingan,” Loot said.

Loot challenged Martinez to file a formal complaint in court where she can formally answer the same. (FREEMAN)


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