Love Simple and Sweet

CEBU, Philippines - This is the moment when we think about love. We give out Valentine presents that assure our parents, partners, children and friends that we care about them. What is this thing called love then?

In our culture, it is embedded in a number of definitions. We say, for example, “I love chocolates”, or “ I love going out on an expensive date.” We simply denominate our “likes” into love. Our musicians would compose songs that pledge undying love or that laments the love that is lost and gone forever. Either way, their definition of love is the same.

This is so because, more often than not, a feeling of fear, which would rise every morning to a pitch of anxiety that every relationship will fall, if it hasn’t already, to the middle of nowhere. That is would be prevalent. Consider the components of love nearing and heading to the verge of its own death. A husband would say, “I no longer love you” as his reason for filing an annulment or legal separation, when what he really mean is, “I have lost romantic passion with you.” They call this passion, love.

I learned what love is simple and sweet. This is the commitment husbands and wives make and keep regardless of how they feel. The conventional marriage vow promises to remain faithful “in sickness and in health, for better or worse, till death do us part.” This love believes in spite of lost of trust and remains faithful when age replaces beauty. This love refuses to give in because of loss of trust, jealousy, lack of respect and insecurity, and is determined to work through differences, no matter how long it takes. This love is a decision, not a mere fleeting emotion. This is the love we celebrate – or ought to celebrate – on Valentine’s Day.

But above and beyond all these forms of love is God’s love for us. Our culture retreats from the mere thought of having faith in the Above Being. We say a flat “no” to someone asking an apology, never realizing that God sacrificed His life to save us from tanks of sins – as manifested in the cross. Unfortunately, it’s impossible for us humans to do. When we’re consumed with jealousy, bitterness or anger, we can’t just snap our fingers and make the obsession go away.

There is no reason not to forgive those we hate. The peril is, when someday we couldn’t forgive ourselves for not giving other people a chance to move on from the grudges we had. God wants us to renew our minds and remove our anger and bitterness that make us so powerless.

So if you know someone you just can’t bring himself/herself to love, ask God to work His transformation in you. Do something nice for that person, and see how well can define love.

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