The Aquarian Gospel

MANILA, Philippines - After Jesus debated with the scribes and teachers of the Law in Jerusalem at the age of 12, he returned to his home in Nazareth with his parents. The Gospels become silent as to what transpired in the younger years of Jesus, before he reappeared at the age of 30 to be baptized by John in the river Jordan.

Where did he go? What did he do? There are many theories formulated by researchers, studies were made as to the possibilities of the Lost Years, but no one ever thought that a Gospel would emerge that detailed his journey into different lands. Here, Jesus traveled and sought initiation to different mysteries, penetrating the veils of religion to reach the core of each spirituality he sought to fathom. He achieved mastery of Self and the Universe through his studies. He taught the mysteries to the people of Judea and the inner teachings to his closest disciples.

This is the Aquarian Gospel, channeled from the Akashic Records by Levi Dowling in 1908. The Akashic Records is an esoteric term for the Collective Unconscious of the whole human race. Here, every action, thought, emotion, event is recorded, and psychics, mediums, and prophets access this in their lucid states.

In the Philippines, this gospel is propagated by the Pristine Christine Church and Mission headed by Rudy Sanchez. Though this gospel is not part of the texts approved by the Catholic Church and the Christian religion, in general, it deserves as much open minded study as the Gnostic gospels which have earned media hype with the controversial topics sparked by Dan Brown’s bestselling novel, The Da Vinci Code. There is no intention to cast doubt on the approved Gospels in the publication of these chapters from the Aquarian Gospel. What is offered here is merely the possible scenario that might have happened during the interim between Jesus getting lost in the Temple of Jerusalem and his appearance 18 years after in the river Jordan.

Here follow the chapters containing the lost years of Jesus. What is asked of the readers is an open minded interest, and the willingness to entertain the question, “What if this were true?” Of course, I caution our dear readers not to believe in anything immediately. They must test it according to their beliefs, their intuition, and their common sense. Happy reading!

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