
Freeman Cebu Entertainment

Enchanted by Eva

Vanessa Balbuena - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines – The road to pageant glory for Eva Psychee Patalinjug began with a string of school-based and inter-collegiate beauty tilt victories. At 13, this go-getter got her first taste of her photos splashed in newspapers after winning Miss CVRAA (Central Visayas Regional Athletic Association) 2008. That meant she would represent Central Visayas in the nationwide search of Miss Palarong Pambansa the same year, where she also emerged the crowned one.

Used to winning most of her childhood years – whether in taekwondo or table tennis tournaments, school pageants, or the academic honor roll –  Eva collected medals, trophies, and tiaras like it was her life’s purpose.

But as they say, it is in enduring defeat that makes your triumphs much more cherished. Two disappointing runner-up placements followed: second runner-up in Miss Mandaue 2013, and first runner-up in last year’s Miss Cebu.

The Miss Cebu bridesmaid finish was particularly overwhelming, Eva shared. She made history in the pageant as the only candidate thus far who nabbed all awards during coronation night. With almost everyone else expecting her to easily end the night as Miss Cebu, Eva was a mixed bag of emotions upon her announcement as first runner-up. It didn’t help that a lot of dismayed supporters were unintentionally rubbing it in. “When I arrived home, I really cried to my mom. But it was easy for me to move on because she said she was sure there will be something greater waiting for me,” Eva quipped.

Miss Philippines Earth was supposed to be next. Her fellow Kagandahang Flores (KF)-Cebu ward Jamie Herrell had initially declined to represent the province due to school commitments, so KF mentor Jonas Borces enlisted Eva instead. She was then in the midst of reviewing for the Nursing Board exam, and was advised by her mom to focus on that. Surely, there will be more pageants to join once she’s secured her Nursing license, Eva’s mom would say.

Yet even while housed within the strict walls of a review center run by nuns, pageantry’s siren call would still find its way to Eva. Borces convinced her to momentarily  put down her books and screen for Mutya ng Pilipinas.

“I was shocked when I arrived at JCentre Mall because I thought it was just a screening. Turns out, I was already short-listed, and we had to wear a swimsuit onstage. I felt I had no chance since I was not prepared at all,” recounted Eva, explaining that her review center’s excellent cooking had her gaining weight that time.

To her surprise, Eva was made official Visayas candidate to Mutya ng Pilipinas, the same pageant dominated in the last two years by her fellow Cebuanas Rizzini Gomez and Angeli Dione Gomez.

With her official finalist slot secured, the Cebu Doctor’s University graduate buried her nose back in her books, and eventually aced her exams. The day after her oath-taking as Registered Nurse, she flew to Manila to begin her quest for Mutya.

‘Hakot’ queen

“I was surprised to see my fellow candidates who were all beautiful, with many coming from different countries like Italy,” said Eva. “I was not noticed during the launching press conference, and I felt down. I felt like a beginner among all these known girls in Manila.”

The competitive spirit in her challenged, Eva vowed to herself that she must stand out in succeeding activities. “Although joining Mutya was half-hearted at first, I’m already here, so why not just make the most out of it,” Eva would tell herself.  “If you want to make your city proud, then do all the best you can. I was not pressured with many Cebuanas winning. It was more about wanting to prove to myself that I can win, after placing first runner-up in Miss Cebu.”

Swimsuit competition came, and saying she was aware that she didn’t have the best body around, her game plan was to compensate with sass and stage presence. “Amazingly, I won Best in Swimsuit! That made people notice me, and there were now headlines of whether I will continue Cebu’s winning streak or not,” she said.

Similarly, Eva brought out her catwalk skills during the National Costume competition. She might not have had the most intricate costume among the girls, but she enchanted judges with a coy smile behind her Maria Clara-inspired fan and terno. Once again, she surprised even herself with a Top 3 finish in the Best in National Costume.

Coronation night felt like a sort of déjà vu. She was once again called front and center to receive award after award. She recalled, “Instead of feeling happy, I didn’t want it to be like Miss Cebu all over again. I didn’t want to get all the awards, and not have a crown in the end. At that point, I was not expecting to win at all.”

When finally her name was called as Mutya ng Pilipinas-Asia Pacific International 2014, Eva was in tears. “From the audience, my mom mouthed out that she was so proud of me. She was right. The Lord had a greater purpose for me.”

Top Model of the World

Now, Eva is in the thick of polishing herself for her international assignment. Mutya ng Pilipinas is sending the 20-year-old to Top Model of the World 2015, tentatively scheduled first week of March either in China or Egypt.

Top Model, which began in 1993 in Miami, searches for an “independent, talented and fashion conscious” individual. She is set to compete against around 70 other delegates from around the world.

This year marks the third time Mutya ng Pilipinas is sending a delegate to Top Model –  in 2007, Mutya handpicked Fil-Am model Michelle de Leon who then placed first runner-up and later assumed the title when the Brazilian winner resigned to compete in Miss Universe. Christi Lynn McGarry also competed in 2010.

In Top Model’s 22 years, a Filipina has yet to win the title, and Eva hopes to change that fact.


Eva’s Mutya Viva Discovery award has also opened doors for her in showbiz. Workshops arranged by Viva (where she’s signed a two-year contract) have kept her occupied, aside from pageant trainings.

Turns out, Top Model won’t be the last we’ll see of Eva in pageants, as she’s bent on joining Binibining Pilipinas in 2016.

That’s Eva for you. People close to her would know this girl finds satisfaction in doing many things at once, and slaying goal after goal. It’s a lethal combination she’s known for: looks, smarts and determination.

Graduating elementary and high school as batch valedictorian (she had 16 medals at her high school graduation ceremony), Eva was also a campus leader, a Sangguniang Kabataan chair in Lapu-Lpapu City, and member of the prestigious Models Association of Cebu. What can this girl not do?

It’s not all roses at the top of the ehap, though. Possessing both beauty and brains is magnet for envy, and Eva wasn’t immune to such school and kin troubles. Even with her success, recounting details of this period in her life still makes Eva burst into tears.

In the course of sharing some of such heartaches, Eva asked out loud whether she joined pageants to please that one person whom she’s sought validation yet got none of her whole life. In the end, she said she’s done collecting accomplishments to please other people aside from herself.

“I want to give the people an impression that I’m a happy person but whenever I’m alone or I talk to my mom, I get sad. Other people may not be proud of me, but I know there are a lot of other people who are proud of me, especially my mom.”

Of her quest to make her hometown and country yet again beam with pride, Eva said: “I would like to thank those people who supported me in Mutya and when I started joining pageants and until now, for always believing in me and for cheering me up. They did not give up on me even though some people are pulling me down. I know that I don’t have a model figure but I will give my best. I’ll show my best character and attitude to the organizers. I will show off the Cebuano charm, everything that I can do. I hope I will win. And I hope all my supporters will continue to pray and support me because I want Cebu and my country to be proud of me.”

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