Real score between Lino and KC

At the presscon hosted by Mother Lily Monteverde last week, reporters pressed Direk Lino Cayetano about his relationship with KC Concepcion. They couldn''t get a confirmation from him. Direk''s brother senatorial candidate Alan Peter and sister Senator Pia were equally tightlipped, although they did say they would be glad if Lino and KC were really on.

About the only hint we got was when Lino acknowledged that he''s endorsing Kiko Pangilinan to almost everybody he meets. And get this: he calls Kiko kuya and Sharon ate.

By the way, Alan is likely to join Pia in the Senate, judging from his consistent high rating in all the surveys. Lino however prefers to stick it out in showbiz.

The young director could find it difficult maintaining a relationship with KC, considering that the Megastar is said to constantly remind her daughter that she should "marry a prince." So it''s not surprising that Sharon reportedly is not too happy with whatever is going on between KC and Lino.

Alan, meanwhile, apparently wants to be chummy with entertainment writers. I''m sure he has realized, just like his fellow senatorial candidates, that newspaper readers love to read the showbiz section. That''s why Alan has been needling brother Lino to introduce him to the entertainment scribes.

He finally got his wish when Mother Lily arranged a presscon for him. Alan had expected only a handful of writers to attend, so imagine his surprise when a horde of them came.
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Pilipino Star Ngayon welcomes the highly respected broadcast journalist Ms. Korina Sanchez to its fold. Starting Sunday Korina will have a column in the paper''s Opinion section. Korina has built a reputation for being hard-hitting and fearless. Her column, K Ka Lang!, will dwell on current issues and controversies.

Korina''s column will appear every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Korina actually has a column in the Allure section of the Philippine Star.
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Hollywood pretty boy Richard Gere is paying dearly for the hug and kisses he gave Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty during an AIDS awareness show in India several weeks ago. Shetty gamely played along, but several Hindu groups were not amused. They were in fact outraged by what they considered it as obscene behavior.

There were protest rallies in several Indian cities where Gere''s effigies were set on fire. But that''s not the worst of it. A lawyer filed a case in court against the actor. The court issued a warrant for Gere. He defended his action by saying he was copying a scene from his movie "Shall We Dance". "My clumsy attempt at a ''Shall We Dance'' move was a naive misread of Indian customs and I assure you nothing more," Gere explained.

If Shetty''s name rings a bell, it''s because she won Britain''s Celebrity Big Brother reality show earlier this year even after being subjected to racist bullying.
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Angelina Jolie is playing her role as UN goodwill ambassador to the hilt. Last week Angelina was in Washington lobbying for the world''s orphans and children at risk. She did so after inaugurating the headquarters for Global Action for Children, a non-partisan advocacy group seeking more US government funding for programs supporting orphans and vulnerable children around the world.

"The numbers associated with this problem are staggering," she said in a statement. "It is overwhelming and the scale of the problem seems to give many an excuse for inaction.

Considered by the media as one of the world''s most beautiful women, Angelina and husband Brad Pitt have their own mini-UN. Aside from a biological child, Shiloh, they have three adopted children, Maddox, a Cambodian, Pax, a Vietnamese, and Zahara, an Ethiopian.

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