Acai, the fruit with the highest ORAC value, says urologist

MANILA, Philippines -  â€œWe all know that once diagnosed with prostate cancer or kidney failure, patients almost always feel dread, as if a death sentence has been given them… and it’s only a matter of time. But I’m a doctor who is not only here to diagnose a disease, but also to give hope — not falsely or exaggerated — that for as long as one is willing, then half of the battle is won,” begins Dr. Joseph Lee, a respected urologist and surgeon.

For the doctor who is into Western medicine, giving up is not an option. “That’s why I include in my patient’s treatment, among other treatment modalities like diet, exercise, and medicine, a megadose of the ‘super fruit and super food’ acai.”

“I cannot ignore and overlook the effect that this Brazilian berry has on my patients. Even as I prescribe the appropriate pharmacological medications and treatment modalities, their swift recovery from various ailments is something that’s almost remarkable. There is no side effect, except a much improved sense of well-being on the patient,” Lee said. 

Testimonies abound from those who came from faraway provinces or abroad and were previously diagnosed by other specialists as terminal cases. Lee’s integrative approach to patient care is commendable. No longer hobbling or wheelchair-bound, his patients can walk upright and have better appetite. The outlook also changed.

Clinical studies back up the claims and raves of Dr. Perricone about acai, which has been featured in many US TV shows like Oprah’s, citing the fruit’s components ranging from yielding a potent antioxidant effect that effectively counters inflammation and free radical damage to the entire body.

Toronto-based registered dietitian and nutrition expert with Canadian Living magazine Cara Rosenbloom has this to say about her study on acai: “Many scientific studies have looked at the antioxidant content of acai, and have found them to be a ‘good source of antioxidants.’” 

In Rosenbloom’s own research, those very studies showed that not only does acai berry have one of the highest contents of antioxidants known to man, but it is also a source of plant sterols, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, minerals and amino acids. This is because the acai berry contains high levels of components known to have significant actions for better health.

Essential fatty acids, omega 3, 6 and 9, help to slow the effects of aging and can lower bad fats like cholesterol in the blood. Amino acids are used in the repair and renewal of cells. Dietary fiber helps give a satisfying full feeling, and works on cleansing build-up waste from the digestive system.

“Organique Acai berry is rich in antioxidants that fights and get rid of cell-damaging free radicals that cause premature aging and can make their way into your body through pollution, smoking, and chemicals found in our tap water and foods. Free radicals are said to eventually cause diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and also linked to the growth of cancer, tumors, as well as leukemia and other blood-related diseases,” Lee said.

“To begin with, scientists have already classified the acai berry as one of the world’s number one super foods. This is because the acai berry contains 10 times the antioxidants found in red grapes and blueberries. In my own search for the best or most effective health supplement to boost the health of my patients, I learned about the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC). I also learned that the recommended daily ORAC level is between 3,000 and 5,000. But most Filipinos, busy and always on the go, and are now used to eating double portion of fast foods and instant noodles are actually consuming less than 1,000 ORAC units a day,” Lee said.

According to Wikipedia, the ability of an antioxidant to supply free radicals with an extra electron is measured by the ORAC, which measures the ability of just about any substance to subdue harmful oxygen free radicals in the test tube.

In short, ORAC is a lab assay that can measure the antioxidant activity of any substance and give it a number. The National Institute on Aging developed the ORAC method and the US Department of Agriculture and Brunswick Labs have been instrumental in perfecting the ORAC assay procedure and testing various foods to determine ORAC levels. 

According to the USDA, the recommended “five-a-day” fruit and vegetable servings will give you an ORAC score of about 1,750 units. Sample actual calculations on the following fruits and vegetables that tend to have the highest ORAC values showed: per 100 grams — apples score 218; bananas, 221; blueberries, 2,400.

“Only acai has an ORAC of 5,500 for every 100 grams of fruit, while blueberries and red grapes, which are also rich in anthocyanins, only got an ORAC score of 2,250 and 550 per 100 grams, each,” Lee said.

“This is why I advise my patients ‘if you want foods with greater antioxidant properties, you look for foods with high ORAC levels. The higher the ORAC number, the stronger the antioxidant properties of the substance,” he said.

Organique Acai (470-3580, 0922-8887883) is now available in Mercury Drug stores.

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