Good PR is good business

In the dynamic and interconnected world of modern businesses, effective communication and public relations (PR) practices have become instrumental in determining the success and sustainability of organizations.

The expanding importance of PR can be attributed to the growing focus on corporate reputation management and the increasing awareness of the impact of public perception on business success.

Data shows that PR continues to define and strengthen its role in the broader communications and business landscape. Global PR research and insight group PRovoke Media (formerly Holmes Report) estimates the size of the global PR agency industry at $20 billion, up from $18 billion in 2021, and $15.8 billion in 2020.

A key growth driver is the discipline’s evolution into a formidable force that goes beyond mere tactics for publicity stunts or damage control. Fostering robust relationships with stakeholders and creating a lasting impact on the market are now atop PR’s list of critical functions.

According to the latest International Communications Consultancy Organization (ICCO) World PR Report, there is strong confidence in industry growth in the APAC region, with a predictive score for growth and opportunity at 7.8, a notch above Africa and United Kingdom scores of 7.6 and surpassing the global score of 7.3. Biggest areas of growth are expected to be corporate reputation (35 percent), purpose and CSR (35 percent) and strategic consulting (32 percent).

As in many other parts of the world, PR in the Philippines has steadily matured. A survey conducted by the Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP) recorded that all communication professional respondents agreed that PR remains very much relevant today and that PR efforts have an impact on brand building awareness and public perception.

From being solely a support function to becoming a strategic and integral part of organizational decision-making, PR professionals in the country are now involved in shaping overall business strategies, crisis management, and brand positioning. Collaborative efforts and strategic alignment of PR with other communication disciplines, including marketing, help organizations develop compelling campaigns that deeply resonate with audiences and propel business growth.

However, it is worth noting that no amount of polished communication or PR effort can salvage unpleasant customer experience. A single negative encounter can drive away 32 percent of devoted customers, as revealed by a PwC survey, underscoring the critical need for seamless collaboration among PR professionals, customer service teams, and indeed, the entire workforce.

To create a lasting impact, PR must become ingrained in the daily lives of all employees, irrespective of their roles within the organization. Companies that foster a strong internal culture of communication and PR awareness reap rewards in the form of heightened employee satisfaction and enhanced brand/company representation.

In summary- the global and local PR industry are undergoing unprecedented growth, backed by concrete data that highlights PR’s ascension as a standalone craft, collaborating seamlessly with other communication disciplines to forge a unified strategy. But it is important to note that successful PR initiatives go beyond external messaging, and hinge upon cultivating a corporate culture that puts premium on positive customer experience. The intersection of strategic PR, customer satisfaction and a communication-centric mindset paves the way to push businesses forward amid today’s landscape.

Amidst these remarkable developments in the Philippines’ PR industry, professionals and communicators are invited to equip themselves with the essential tools to navigate the dynamic PR landscape. Participants are poised to honor the past, thrive in the present, and prepare for the future at the 30th National PR Congress, organized by PRSP, scheduled from Sept. 14 and 15.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of PR innovation and success with two days of knowledge-sharing, networking, and insights from industry experts, on a journey to push the boundaries of PR excellence and drive businesses success.

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