DBM releases P7.7 B for more classroom constructions

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has released P7.7 billion for the construction of more classrooms across the country.

The amount represents the third batch of funds released this year from the Basic Education Facilities Fund (BEFF), which had an allocation of P39 billion from the 2014 General Appropriations Act (GAA).

Among the regions expected to benefit from the release are the National Capital Region (P2 billion), Region IV-A (P1.7 billion), and Region VII (P1.5 billion).

Prior to the latest release, the DBM had channeled to the Department of Education and Department of Public Works and Highways a total of P8.6 billion.

Budget Secretary Florencio Abad said, “this third release of funds is in keeping with President Aquino’s commitment to the social contract, supporting as it does the needs of our education sector as well as advancing quality education in the country. We need to accommodate the increasing number of students every year with new schools as well as equip them properly to create a conducive learning environment.”

The BEFF is used for the construction, rehabilitation, replacement, completion, and repair of school buildings in areas experiencing acute classroom shortage.

It is also used for the construction of water and sanitation facilities as well as the acquisition of school desks, furniture, and fixtures for the targeted public schools.

The government defines “areas experiencing acute classroom shortage” as areas where the classroom-to-students ratio is 50:1 or worse (i.e. classrooms are temporary in nature, are makeshift, or non-existent).

“The administration plans to build more quality classrooms, as each school year brings with it a larger student population. This is one of several ways through which we’re reforming the education system, besides providing better facilities and learning materials to our students,” Abad said.

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