Year of Metal Rat 2020: Forecasts for all animal signs

MANILA, Philippines — Resourceful Rat (those born in the years  1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)  is the first sign in the Chinese zodiac, setting a fresh 12-year cycle in motion. 

During a recent talk in Chinatown Museum, Binondo, Manila, feng shui master Marites Allen shared her general overview and forecasts for all animal signs this Year of the Metal Rat 2020.

As with anything new, expect to feel a renewed sense of excitement and possibility this year, said astrologer and Women’s Journal magazine editor Rene Bisquera.

This year, “there’s plenty of optimism around. But it’s optimism that is exclusively backed by practical dreaming and doing,” he said. “This first New Moon is here to give your life the shake-up it needs, whether you like it or not.”

But, despite being a year of optimism, “Poilitical unrest around the world tends to develop (level up) with the beginning of this new cycle,” Bisquera warned.

“Metal Rat is propitious to new ideas and utopias, which provide an ideal ground for the disruption of the established order and revolutions. The movement of withdrawal and protectionism that has begun in many countries in recent years, is accelarating, which only increase tensions and misunderstanding between neighbors and neighboring countries.” — Videos by Gabriell Fajardo, editing by Erwin Cagadas Jr.

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