Trump cancels summit, citing 'open hostility' by North Korea

This combination of file pictures created on May 10, 2018 shows US President Donald Trump during a rally at Total Sports Park in Washington, Michigan on April 28, 2018, and a photo released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 21, 2018 of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un delivering a speech while attending the Third Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea in Pyongyang.
Mandel Ngan/AFP/KCNA via KNS

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump canceled the planned June 12 summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un Thursday, citing the "tremendous anger and open hostility" in a recent statement from the North.

Trump said in a letter to Kim released by the White House that based on the statement, he felt it was "inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting." He added that the North Koreans talk about their nuclear capabilities, "but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used."

The North Korean statement that he referred to called Vice President Mike Pence a "political dummy" for his comments on the North and said North Korea is just as ready to meet the U.S. in a nuclear confrontation as at the negotiating table.

Trump said in his letter that the world is losing a "great opportunity for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth" now that their summit has been canceled.

The president agreed to the historic sit-down in March after months of trading insults and nuclear threats with the North Korean leader. But after criticism from North Korea, Trump cast doubt this week on whether the meeting would happen.

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