Christmas in our hearts

As we can see everywhere there are dazzling colors, glittering lights, celebrations, and other external indications of Christmas. People are constantly discussing what to wear and bring to gatherings. Malls offer decorations for sale. And indeed, everything contributes to the eagerly awaited party. Given how much hype and expectation the season generates, we cannot deny that it differs greatly from other occasions. However, where can we actually experience and see the true spirit of Christmas? In order to genuinely enjoy it in the most meaningful way, where does it truly occupy in our beings?

The capacity to be sensitive, compassionate, feel sorry for the suffering of others, and take action to lessen that suffering is actually learned from inside the heart. The heart is able to grasp another person’s deepest emotions and elevate them via action, supreme sacrifice, and sensitivity.

The yearning for sacrifice is felt in the heart. We care about people’s suffering and exert effort to put other people’s needs ahead of our own whims and caprices.

Having an appreciation for life in the present moment is a key component of cultivating a grateful heart. It involves counting our blessings, savoring the little things, and appreciating the abundance that is already present. When we are content with the way things are and genuinely grateful for what we already have, that is enough.

When we are grateful for something, how do we feel? Our feelings of gratitude increase our love for and gratitude toward our heavenly Father, who is the source of all blessings. Love is a gift from God. Parents may teach us valuable lessons about love. However, until we truly comprehend agape love, which is the love of Jesus, we are only beginning to understand what it is to be in love.

Sometimes it requires effort to be grateful. It might be challenging to pause and express gratitude when we are deeply involved in a hectic day. We can choose to express gratitude. We have the option to turn to negativity’s dark side. Or we can opt to express gratitude. Thank you for all the kind gifts. And give thanks for the difficulties because they are always followed by blessings.

The value of prayer is one of the lessons we learn in the Called to be a Keeper Bible study. Simply understood, prayer is connection with God. It could be lengthy and precise or brief and sporadic. We should all pray more often. We can be tempted to skip our prayer time as we head into this hectic time of year. Ask God to bless the person we are buying for. As we wrap the recipient’s present, we raise the recipient. This year, give the gift of telling a friend that we are required to pray for them on Fridays (or any other day of the week) for the entire year. Particularly around this time of year, offer prayers for friends and family members who are in need. We ask the Lord for wisdom and discernment as we regularly seek His direction in setting priorities. To honor the Lord above everything else throughout the upcoming holiday season, we ask the Lord for strength and endurance.

The finest and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, touched, or even thought about; they must always be appreciated with the heart. Love and compassion rule in the heart, where we see and feel things clearly.

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all of us!

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