After netizens’ negative feedback, Shimura withdraws helmet ban plan

CEBU, Philippines - Four days after his proposed ordinance imposing a full-face helmet ban in Cebu was approved on first reading Monday, Provincial Board Member Sun Shimura decided to withdraw the measure. 

In a Facebook post past 4 p.m. Thursday, Shimura said he received numerous negative feedbacks “both violent and gentle” over his proposed ordinance.

“I got a lot of suggestions, reactions, both violent and gentle here in FB. I know and understand your sentiments,” read Shimura’s FB post.

He said he would formally withdraw his proposed ordinance during their regular session this Monday.

He said his proposal would still go through a long process before being finally approved, but since some people are not in favor of it he would no longer push for it.

“To all the people, friends or not, who sent me messages here in FB, there’s a long way to go… long process pa unta. But since I am getting your sentiments, suggestions and reactions right now, there’s no need for public consultation anymore, which should be the next step, because you’re already voicing your sides which represent the public,” he said.

Shimura said the measure was aimed at deterring crimes, like robbery, snatching, and other illegal activities committed by motorcycle-riding perpetrators.

“Actually, the main purpose of this proposed ordinance is to help our men in uniform (PNP) solve the crimes,” he said.

In his proposed ordinance, he argued that motorcycle-related criminal cases reported by the Philippine National Police and other law enforcement agencies remain unresolved because the identities of the culprits could not be ascertained because they were wearing bonnets or full-face helmets with tinted face shields.

“The objective of this ordinance is not to deny motorcycle riders protective helmets since road safety is not solely dependent on the protective gears but (also) on how disciplined they are on the road,” read his proposed ordinance.

In the proposed measure, legitimate motorcycle racing during special occasions like fiestas, holidays, motocross competitions and other similar celebrations are exempted from its implementation later on.

Shimura proposed a fine of up to P5,000, imprisonment of up to 30 days and revocation or perpetual non-renewal of the driver’s license.

As suggested, Shimura said he would instead lobby for measures that would enhance police visibility along Cebu’s streets after withdrawing the proposed ordinance.

“Thanks for your opinions and your time. It just shows that we are all in this together for a better CEBU!” he said.

Thank you sa nag-suggest and all your inputs…. I am not perfect, no one is… that’s why this kind of ordinance goes through a lot of consultations both (with) experts and the public.. Let us help one another for a better and safer Cebu!” he added.  (FREEMAN)

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