Satellite voting for elderly, PWDs to be piloted here

CEBU, Philippines - Senior citizens and persons with disabilities in Cebu will be given a chance at satellite voting during the October 28 barangay elections, thanks to a partnership between Comelec and a mall chain.

Commission on Elections spokesman James Jimenez was in Cebu yesterday to formally launch the pilot program and to personally convince recipients of the special program anchored on Republic Act 10366 authorizing the establishment of precincts assigned to accessible polling places exclusively for persons with disabilities and senior citizens.

Under the partnership with SM Malls, Comelec will administer special voting for this year’s barangay elections in four key areas namely SM Manila, SM Lipa City, SM City Cebu, and SM General Santos City.

“Mabolo is the chosen area for this pilot program because aside from being near SM, it has a substantial number of senior citizens and PWD registered voters. We are here to get the consent of each and every participating voter,” Jimenez told reporters.

Further, the Comelec spokesman said the program was to make it easier for the elderly and those with special needs to vote without waiting in long lines, often under the sun.

“Normally, mahaba ang pila sa voting precincts and mainit. Aside from accessibility with polling places inside the mall, we will be providing a place that can provide comfort,” Jimenez added.

Voting inside the mall will run from 7 a.m. up to 1 p.m. where the Comelec official said that accompanying guardian of participating seniors and PWDs will be allowed to enter and assist. However, these guardians must vote in their designated regular polling places.

Yesterday morning, Jimenez, who was accompanied by Comelec Regional Director Temie Lambino and Cebu City North District Election Officer Marchel Sarno, went to barangay Mabolo and asked seniors and PWDs to sign the consent in holding the pilot  program in their barangay.

Guiding them was the Mabolo Day Care for Elders president Raymundo “Boy” Biaras, 69.

Initially, a randomly selected list of 100 target participants composed of 97 seniors and three PWDs were already prepared but it was later on adjusted to whoever consented and signed the form. Even Biaras who was not originally listed signed and was included at the final 100 participants.

Meanwhile, with the onset of filing of certificates of candidacy, both Jimenez and Lambino reiterated the stricter law on premature campaign which is different from the elections last May.

“The law is different and stricter now compared with the May elections in terms of premature campaign. This time, the moment you file your COC, you are already considered a candidate even before the official start of campaign on October 18, a day after the last day of filing,” Lambino explained.

With this, candidates may face a disqualification case or even a criminal case if proven that they have prematurely campaigned, following a formal complaint filed by a concerned resident.

“I am sending out monitoring teams around the country. They are currently documenting campaign posters and tarps illegally posted. Anything posted before the official campaign period and after filing COC is considered illegal,” Jimenez said.

Lambino also warned against incumbent officials using government vehicles while filing COC or during campaign.

A white Toyota Hilux with license plate number SKY-398 was reportedly spotted yesterday afternoon in front of Comelec office with passengers wearing green campaign shirts.

“Bawal ang paggamit ng government vehicles. Dapat i-check kung anong purpose ng vehicle bakit nandito yan. If it’s to ferry candidates filing their COCs, that can be considered a violation,” Lambino said.

Even on a Saturday, candidates for the October 28 barangay elections took the chance to be early in filing their COCs on the second day.

As of noon, Cebu City North District received  21 COCs with two running for barangay captain while the South District had 25 COCs.  —/BRP (FREEMAN)


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