Proof of ownership required on bird selling - DENR campaign

CEBU, Philippines - The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Region VII posted notices along Magallanes Street, Cebu City about the need for owners of assorted species of birds to show “proof of ownership.”

The notices were posted the other day by DENR-7 personnel as their follow-up move after a team of DENR-7 and some Cebu City Philippine National Police (PNP) personnel confiscated about 143 of various birds species last July 29 in a raid.

DENR-7 Regional Executive Director Isabelo Montejo said in a statement that people selling birds are directed to submit to DENR a sworn statement or affidavit and proof of ownership on these species to the Protected Areas and Wildlife Division (PAWD) of the Protected Areas, Wildlife Conservation Zone and Management Services (PAWZCMS).

Montejo added they have until August 15 to provide the agency with the necessary papers as claims forwarded after the said period shall not be honored and the wildlife species shall be forfeited in favor of the government and a final confiscation order will be issued.

He stressed that this is part of the process that they are trying to follow in accordance with the existing laws.

Montejo designated PAWD chief Jose Layese to act as the hearing officer on this case and to recommend the appropriate action to be made.

Citing Republic Act 9147, otherwise known as the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act, Montejo urged the public not to buy certain wildlife species being sold along the streets so as to discourage the illegal trading and selling.

He said that people should always ask for a copy of the certificate of wildlife registration or any permit from DENR to ensure that what they are buying are legal and are not prohibited or endangered.

Earlier, 101 African Lovebirds (Agapornis species), 30 Hanging Parakeets or 'Kusi' (Loriculus philippensis), five Coleto or 'Sal-ing' (Cercops calvos), two Rufous hornbills or 'Kalaw' (Buceros hydrocorax), two Large-billed Crow 'Uwak' (Corvus macrorhynchos), two lack-capped Lory (Lorius lorry), and one Tarictic Hornbill or 'Talusi' (Penelopides Panini) were confiscated after they were abandoned last July 29.

The seized species were immediately identified and recorded and was taken to the DENR-7 wildlife rescue facility in Camp 7, Minglanilla, Cebu City under the custody of DENR-7 rescue center caretaker Sony de Erio. They will then be bringing these illegally traded birds to Ayungon Central Regional Office's Aviary in Negros Oriental. (FREEMAN)

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