Identifying Children's Real Needs
CEBU, Philippines – The parenting style today has greatly evolved in the midst of the digital age. Both parents and their children have been affected and influenced by the new environments and the media. Thus, the upbringing of our children has been affected, too; modern parents tend to provide the kids with material things that are unnecessary.
Providing the needs of their children is one of the obligations of parents. But overflowing parental love tends to spoil the little ones with provisions for their "wants." There are things parents think their kids need, when in reality they actually don't. On the hand, the kids may also have needs that their parents may be unaware, because the kids don't make it known.
The happiness of the child is the happiness of the parents, who would naturally strive to provide all the kids ask for. But often parents forget that material things are not what would ultimately matter. Kids do not really need tons of toys for them to feel happy and satisfied. They also do not even need luxurious and classy garments or the latest gadgets for showing off to other kids. Likewise, kids are okay without being enrolled in pricey self-enhancement activities every night of the week.
What children need the most is the attention and acceptance by loved ones: attention of their parents and acceptance by other people. Their parents' presence in the kids' life matters. Following are some tips the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc.-Dolores Aboitiz Children's Fund recommends in determining what children really need.
Proper nourishment. Children, especially during the formative years, need nutritious food such as fruits and vegetables for them to become healthy human beings. Good food helps children become more active and energetic in their daily activities and prevent them from getting sick.
Traditional and challenging toys. Children should have toys but that can enhance their cognitive skills. Good examples are a Rubik's cube and wooden blocks and Legos. Parents can also give them papers and pencils they can use to stimulate their creativity by drawing things. Children should be allowed to play outdoors, too.
Clothes to get dirty in. Be sure to have clothes that kids can mess up in while they play or explore. For example, they need an improvised apron to wear whenever you ask them to help in the kitchen. You can also offer them your old clothing so they can play dress up or use them to role play people whose work involves getting dirty. Be sure to prepare clean clothes they can wear after getting filthy during play.
Time with the family. The family is the anchor to which the child's growth - physical, emotional, psychological, intellectual - depends on. Parents should make sure family members (and that includes siblings and relatives) has time for the child. L:ittle children shall also be made to visit their grandparents often, or regularly go on excursions or have recreational activities together with the family. The family may visit a zoo together, or museums, or theme parks, or simply be together, to share time together and enjoy each other's company. Children who get quality time with their family often has the confidence to socialize and behave appropriately with others.
Time to rest and relax. Being kids and growing up fast, children need time to rest and relax. Parents can be creative by enhancing their experience, like fixing them a tent to sleep in outside so they could gaze at the starts before sleeping. Parents should remember children need eight hours of sleep.
A book to read. Reading widens the kids' horizons and open up whole new worlds and possibilities for them, so parents shall develop in their children the love and joy of reading. It's good to teach them history, expose them to inspiring stories, show them the wonder of reading.
Parents are the ones who must prepare their children to become better individuals and citizens. They can start by being able to distinguish what children really need for their proper development.
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