Kate Beckinsale cast in movie inspired by Amanda Knox

CEBU, Philippines - Kate Beckinsale has just signed on for a ripped-from-the-headlines new movie. According to Deadline, the actress will star opposite model Cara Delevingne in director Michael Winterbottom’s “The Face of an Angel.”

Based on the book “Angel Face,” “the plot bears some resemblance to the travails of Amanda Knox,” the American student who served four years in an Italian prison after being convicted in the 2007 murder of housemate Meredith Kercher before her sentence was overturned.

In the film, Delevingne will play the suspect in a murder, with Beckinsale portraying a journalist. The cast also includes Daniel Brühl as a documentary filmmaker following the case at the center of the movie.

While no word yet on when exactly cameras will start rolling, the production is expected to shoot in Tuscany, Italy. (FREEMAN)


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