Intel unveils products, initiatives at Consumer Electronics Show

CEBU, Philippines - Intel Corporation CEO Brian Krzanich outlined a range of products, initiatives and strategic relationships aimed at accelerating innovation across a range of mobile and wearable devices as well as individual inventors’ own connected creations at the  pre-show keynote for the 2014 International Consumer Electronics Show ongoing now at Las Vegas, USA.

Krzanich’s keynote painted a vision of how the landscape of computing is being re-shaped and where security is too important not to have it embedded in all devices. The world is entering an era of integrated computing defined not by the device, but by the integration of technology into people’s lifestyles in ways that offer individuals new utility and value. As examples, he highlighted several immersive and intuitive technologies that Intel will begin offering this year. For example, the company is bringing human senses to Intel-based devices in a new family of hardware and software products called Intel® RealSenseâ„¢ technology. 

Intel’s CEO also discussed how Intel is addressing two critical issues casting shadows over the consumer electronics industry: data and device security and conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). He said Intel had achieved a critical milestone and the minerals used in microprocessor silicon and packages manufactured in Intel’s factories are “conflict-free” as concluded by third-party audits or direct validation by Intel’s supply chain organization.

“Two years ago, I told several colleagues that we needed a hard goal, a commitment to reasonably conclude that the metals used in our microprocessors are conflict-free,” Krzanich said. “We felt an obligation to implement changes in our supply chain to ensure that our business and our products were not inadvertently funding human atrocities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Even though we have reached this milestone, it is just a start. We will continue our audits and resolve issues that are found.”

Krzanich said Intel is actively pursuing a range of products and initiatives, with the goal of accelerating wearable device innovation. Intel’s approach to this next evolution in computing is to imagine and create reference design devices and platforms ready for use by customers in developing wearable products, he said.

Intel’s CEO highlighted number of wearable reference devices, including smart ear buds that provide biometric and fitness capabilities, a smart headset that is always ready to engage and can integrate with existing personal assistant technologies to make the consumer experience more intuitive, and a smart wireless charging bowl.

The Intel CEO also announced collaborations with Barneys New York, the Council of Fashion Designers of America and Open Ceremony to explore and bring to market new smart wearable technologies, and to increase dialogue and cooperation between the fashion and technology industries. He also kicked-off the Intel ‘Make it Wearable’ challenge, a global effort aimed at accelerating creativity and innovation with technology. The effort will call upon the smartest and most creative minds to consider factors impacting the proliferation of wearable devices and ubiquitous computing, such as meaningful usages, aesthetics, battery life, security and privacy.

In addition to developing reference devices for wearable technology, Intel will offer a number of accessible, low-cost entry platforms. These are aimed at helping lower entry barriers for individuals and small companies to create innovative Internet-connected wearables or other small form factor devices. (FREEMAN)

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