Sun Cellular helps strengthen cultural heritage nationwide

CEBU, Philippines - With the country’s huge roster of Philippine festivals and cultural events, mobile network provider Sun Cellular steps up to the forefront of pushing and showcasing national identity to more Filipinos nationwide.

From local fiestas and colorful celebrations to the nationally—celebrated Independence Day, Sun Cellular’s presence and participation help make these happenings much more fun and vibrant.

Through reliable and affordable services, Sun Cellular powers Filipinos with the ability to connect and share the on-going events with their family and friends. Moreover, Sun Cellular supports organizations like the Center for Art, New Ventures and Sustainable Development (CANVAS) for its “Looking for Juan: Revolution” campaign this year that showcases Filipino identity through artworks of various artists.

“The country has a rich kaleidoscopic culture that we should all be proud of,” says Sun Cellular official spokesperson Reuben Pangan. “That’s why we feel that we, at Sun Cellular, can help in pushing the diversity, richness and pride on our cultural events and heritage.” 

Needless to say, the way Filipinos should continuously highlight these cultural activities should never wane. And with Sun Cellular, Filipinos may be armed with the Good Choice to do just that.

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