Upsets galore mark PCAP Saturday

MANILA, Philippines — Whoever said that the ongoing PCAP-San Miguel Corporation-Ayala Land Premier Cup is on cruise control and predictable never saw this coming.

The two top dogs of the northern and southern divisions of the Professional Chess Association of the Philippines – the San Juan Predators and the Philippine Paralympics Chess Team respectively fell to separate opponents, Saturday evening, October 30.

The Pasig King Pirates handed the San Juan Predators their worst loss in league history when the former won, 15.5-5.5.

This was the first time the powerhouse squad was held down to single digits.

Pasig took blitz play 5.5-1.5 behind strong matches by Sherily Cua, Rudy Ibanez, Kevin Arquero, and Eric Labog Jr.

In rapid chess, the four continued their mastery over San Juan counterparts WIM Jan Jodilyn Fronda, IM Rick de Guzman, Narquingel Reyes, and Narciso Gumila for a 10-4 win; 15.5-5.5 overall.

It is San Juan’s only loss in the second round. They also lost 11-10 to Laguna in the first round after which the slates were wiped clean after the top teams advanced to the next phase of the tournament where the guest teams awaited.

The loss knocked them down to second spot as the resurgent Caloocan LoadManna Knights ascended to the pole position of the Northern Division on the strength of their two victories of the night.

Speaking of guest teams, the Paralympics Team which has been blowing out top and lower tier teams aside. 

They were upset in Armageddon play, 2-1, by the Surigao Fianchetto Checkmates. 

The Paralympians took blitz chess, 4.5-2.5. However, come rapid chess, NM Jonathan Tan and Lennon Hart Salgados got the better of their respective Board 1 and 2 counterparts of the Paralympics squad in FM Roel Abelgas and FM Sander Severino.

FM Vince Alaan and Tyrone Alaan bested NM Arman Subaste and NM Felix Aguilera to take the set, 8-6, and send the game into extra boards.

In Armageddon, Tan defeated Severino while Salgados took down NM Menandro Redor. Only FM Abelgas was able to secure a point for the Paralympians who went down for only the third time in 15 matches.

It was Surigao’s third win in 15 matches. The Fianchetto Checkmates are so far down at ninth spot that it will take more than an effort to chase eighth placer Lapu-Lapu and their 7-8 record. 

Despite the loss, the Paralympics Team managed to stay head above waters from the Iloilo Kisela Knights who are in second spot in the southern group with an 11-4 record.

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