Expelled GTK brings case to IOC, other int'l bodies

MANILA, Philippines - Philippine Amateur Track and Field Association (Patafa) president Go Teng Kok is contesting his expulsion from the Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) before the foreign sports bodies.

Go yesterday said he has written and forwarded various documents to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), International Association of Athletic Federation (IAAF) and Asian Athletic Association (AAA).

After he filed a case against the POC following his ouster as president of the Philippine Karatedo Federation, Go was declared persona non-grata by the local Olympic body a couple of months ago.

The other day, the POC also announced that it has mustered enough signatures from its 41 regular members calling for the expulsion of the long-time Patafa chief.

But Go said it’s not enough to silence him.

 “I vow before my athletes and coaches and the rest of the Filipino athletes to fight to the very end of this latest injustice,” said Go, who vowed to expose all the alleged anomalies of the top POC officials.

“Here in the Philippines we have the perfect examples of corruption being committed by the top officials of the POC,” said Go in his Aug. 10 letter to IOC president Jacques Rogge.

Go sent the IOC “all the official documents evidencing the corruption, lawlessness, oppression and injustice of our POC leaders that are killing the sports movement in the Philippines.”

He said he spoke to an official of the IAAF yesterday and was told, “Just send us all these documents because documents don’t lie.”

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