A Refreshing Sight

National Day celebrations have acquired something of a pattern. Guests go through a reception line, enjoy cocktails while nibbling at finger foods and listen to the exchange of toasts. In the first Swedish National Day to be celebrated in this country by Ambassador Annika Markovic and Mr. Drasko Markovic, their young children–Sofia, Vera and Dennis–were a refreshing sight in the receiving line, with the toddler Dennis is his nanny’s arms.

Children will be children, and the three soon became restless and broke away from the line to romp and play with other children–a delightful departure from National Day scenes.

Russian Ambassador Anatoly Nebogatov and his vivacious wife Valentina welcomed hundreds of guests to their own National Day reception. Among diplomats seen were Australian Ambassador Ruth Pearce, Ambassadors Umberto Colesanti (Italy), Claudio Lyra (Brazil), Radu Homescu (Romania) and his lovely wife.

A previous engagement prevented me from staying longer but the occasion was a very lively one indeed, while a sumptuous buffet filled the tables.

French Ambassador Renée Veyret was her usual effervescent self but one presumed she felt sad at her farewell reception for valued colleagues First Counsellor Vincent Hommeril, Cultural Counsellor Franck Hebert, First Secretary Martine Vassedi and Science Attaché Emmanuel Gorin. Despite the sadness underlying the occasion, however, the French joie de vivre prevailed among the score bidding the honorees goodbye.

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