Ensure pope’s safety

Since we Filipinos are overwhelmed with excitement for the coming Papal visit and his scheduled activities out, we should impress upon ourselves to be vigilant and watchful.

The ISIS is reportedly establishing IS cells in the country and some ISIS members have been arriving here.  We do not know who they are and what they are up to, but we are sure these Jihadists are cooking up something for the Pope’s visit. 

It’s good that more soldiers and policemen will be deployed for his coming and as early as now, they are preparing and training on how to best give protection to the Pope.

Our officials at the Immigration office should double their efforts on the number of visitors who can be possible ISIS suspects or supporters.

Banks and other financial institutions should monitor people who may put in large cash amounts, as this may be used by Jihadists for their planned terrorist activities.

In short, the government, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Phil. National Police must leave no stone unturned with regards to the security of the Pope before, during and even after his visit in January.

The Pope’s sincere desire to visit his flock, especially the poor, and to visit typhoon Yolanda victims, to strengthen their faith in God amid trials and adversity, is a rare occasion for us Filipinos.  Let’s welcome him with love, warmth, and safety. — Carlo Anton S. Española, UPLB Laguna


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