Students be wary

It is no wonder that communist recruits are very active in our metropolitan schools and elsewhere. The news that some former PUP students were caught with having firearms and believed to be members of the New People’s Army (NPA) is living proof that the group hasn’t stopped with their recruitment of students.

Before school opened, the government and the military gave early warnings for the parents to monitor the activities of their sons and daughters especially the freshmen college students. These students, mostly from the provinces, are easy to prey to NPA recruiters since they are young, aggressive and want to prove something. This is what makes it easier for these recruiters.

What young people should do is to concentrate on their studies and carve a good future for themselves and maybe even serve their country if their sense of duty to country and people beckons.

It is best and most imperative for our young students not to involve themselves in such activities and put themselves in a situation they will eventually regret.

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