Ateneans excel in Australian Math Competition

MANILA, Philippines - Dion Stephan Ong (Grade 6 - Malacañang) and Immanuel Gabriel Sin (4 - N) of the Ateneo de Manila University recently won separate honors in the Australian Math Competition.

Ong, belonging to the 97.7 percentile of the examinees, ranked first in the Grades 5 and 6 division. Sin was a High Distinction awardee as he was rated among the top 2% of the contestants.

The Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) has been held annually since 1978.  It highlights the importance of mathematics as a curriculum subject, gives students an opportunity to discover talent in mathematics, and provides resources for the classroom and general discussion.

The AMC is one of the largest annual events on the Australian education calendar, and is now one of the largest of its type in the world. Every year, more than 40 countries participate.


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