Fret-free living

Do not fret — it only causes harm.  â€” Psalm 37:8


Does it bother you to see how much attention is paid in today’s culture to people who stand for all the wrong things? Perhaps it is entertainment stars who get the headlines while espousing immoral philosophies in their music, movies, or programs. Or it could be leaders who openly thumb their noses at right-living standards.

It would be easy to fret about this and wring our hands in despair, but Psalm 37 suggests a better way. Listen to David’s wise advice: “Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity” (v.1).

While it is right to be “salt and light” (Matt. 5:13-14) in this tasteless, dark world — attempting to counter sin by reflecting Jesus’ light wherever possible — we cannot let negative forces cause us to live in anger and wrath (Ps. 37:8). Instead, we must rely on God to have the ultimate say about evildoers: “They shall soon be cut down like the grass” (v.2). Beyond that, we should take David’s approach: (1) “Trust in the LORD, and do good.” (2) “Feed on His faithfulness.” (3) “Delight yourself also in the LORD.” (4) “Commit your way to the LORD.” (5) “Rest in the LORD” (vv.3-7).

We may not like what we see and hear from some aspects of society, but remember this: God is in control. Trust Him to do what is right. And don’t fret.

                                          — Dave Branon

When tragedy, heartache,

and sorrow abound,

When evil appears to have

conquered the right,

We center our heart on

our Father’s great love,

For He will bring hope

in the darkest of night.

                                                   — D. De Haan

READ: Psalm 37:1-11

Don’t despair because of evil;

God will have the last word.

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