The gift of thought

Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, . . . meditate on these things. – Philippians 4:8

In some ways humans are inferior to animals. I have seen some incredibly strong men, but never one "as strong as an ox". Men can run 100 meters in under 10 seconds, but that doesn’t begin to compare with the speed of a cheetah. There are people who have an uncanny sense of direction, but even they can’t explain how migrating swallows can return unerringly to the same place year after year.

Yes, some animals are intelligent, but none of them can think as we can. No animal could ever have developed today’s amazing society with all its medical and technological advances.

A human’s unique ability to think enables him to have thoughts about God and eternity. The famous American poet Walt Whitman found this to be troubling. He said that he often envied the cattle that graze contentedly in a meadow, because they never worry or dwell on troublesome thoughts.

As Christians, we know that the ability to think is a God-given gift. But sad to say, we can misuse it by entertaining thoughts that are vulgar, foul, and mean. Paul told us to meditate on whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, virtuous, praiseworthy, and of good report (Philippians 4:8).

Lord, help us to discipline our thoughts. – Herb Vander Lugt

Of all God’s creatures only man

Can worship, meditate, and plan;

The gift of thought sets him apart

To love the Lord with all his heart. – Dennis J. De Haan

READ: Philippians 4:4-9

Godly character is shaped by godly thoughts.

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