EDITORIAL - Day One: Time to take the long view

At exactly noon today, the term of President Arroyo will end, and the term of incoming president Noynoy Aquino will begin. This peaceful, if not exactly congenial, transition reverses historically and meaningfully the global mental picture the Philippines acquired over the years.

Nearly 25 years ago, Noynoy’s own mother was swept into power in a revolutionary tide globally acclaimed for its peacefulness and significance — songs and prayers prevailing over guns and bullets to oust a dictator.

But the beauty and purpose of that great moment in history has long been pawned and sold for cheap political expediences that now make recalling that moment a cause to want to puke. The so-called “people power” initiative has lost its innocence. Never must it be invoked again.

Noynoy initially threated to invoke “people power” again. Like his smoking, it must be extremely hard for him to let go of that part of his life. And that is understandable. But the real good thing for everyone is that he did not get the chance to tempt the fates again.

Instead Noynoy got swept into power differently but more acceptably. He overwhelmingly won the greatest plurality in Philippine policital history. But he still cannot afford to be cocky and must wisely heed the well-meaning advice of those who had been there.

Noynoy is still a minority president, there having been more people who did not vote for him and voted for other preferences than those who did. Such a huge segment of the population must be reached out to and won over instead of being rebuffed and alienated.

There are six long years ahead of Noynoy and he cannot hope to accomplish a decent and acceptable direction for his people and their aspirations if he hits the ground running after his enemies as his top priority.

In the weeks leading up to his assumption to power, Noynoy has succeeded in antagonizing key personalities and sectors that, on the contrary, he needs to win over to his side for strength and support as he negotiates the long and rocky road ahead.

But all is not lost. Noynoy can still heed those aforementioned well-meaning advice from the experts. The presidency is the bastion of leadership for an entire nation. It is not a familiar shooting stance from which a gun enthusiast can fire bullets at will at a target.

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